Over-blending e/s? Need help


Well-known member
Are there any tricks for blending eyeshadow so that it doesn't end up looking like one muddy color? but blending enough that it looks nice and can be worn to work? :confused:

I wasn't sure what forum to put this in...so if it doesn't belong here, please feel free to move it. Thanks!


Well-known member
Use a blush brush and just lightly swirl it. That's how I do it and my eyeshadow never looks muddy


Well-known member
I recently saw a tutorial on how to blend. It looked pretty helpful! Just do a search in the tutorials section for blending. Good luck =)


Well-known member
To help avoid over blending, try only blending colors at the edges first, where it's harshest, in little swirls. That way, you don't blend ALL the color away to oblivion, but you can move inward and blend more if it's still too harsh. HTH!


Well-known member
Thanks for the suggestions--I'm gonna try them all. Actually, I tried the swirly blush brush trick this morning with pretty good results. I think I just need more practice (I'm used to just wearing one wash e/s and that's it!).