Over Sprays WHY?


Well-known member
I didnt know that that was the term used "overspray"-but being a lover of matte products, it annoys me because I find out after that the chunky glitter is just for decoration! (passed up countless milani products because of this)

I dont know abt the MAC product, but maybe you could ask on live chat?


Well-known member
Yes the Naked Honey powder has an overspray as well... they did it with the DE powders as well as the Balloonacy powders and I find it terribly annoying as well... Must be a marketing strategy since it serves no real purpose other than presentation.


Well-known member
My Dame Edna highlighter is like that. But for me, I thought it was so pretty with the overspray and as soon as I lightly dusted the top, BAM. It was gone. So now I'm trying to figure out what it's highlighting without the shimmer. I haven't used it since. lol.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
The Naked Honey powder is an overspray. I read from blogs that the Dior Harmonie blush is an overspray too so I didn't get it. The new Chanel Natural Finish Face Highlighter from Tokyo Happening collection has an overspray of chunky glitters but the bottom layer still has fine shimmers.


Well-known member
I hate over sprays


Well-known member
I think over sprays are dumb too, but apparently the Honey Collection Highlight Powders are still shimmery underneath the over spray.


Well-known member
Why the overspray? I'm guessing it's probably a combination of the following:
1) Some company has probably come up with the technology and gone around selling it to the various cosmetics companies... which would explain why they all seem to have it at once.
2) Consumer goods companies are always looking for "technological innovations" they can use to drive interest (and therefore sales). Even if in this case it's kind of a useless innovation, at the very least it provides a talking point.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Forever
To NICHOLLECAREN i love matte products aswell.But i want to know what im purchasing.If im looking for a matte ill purchase a matte.If im looking for something with shimmer i want the whole thing to be shimmery not just one coat of the top layer lol Do you know what i mean? I feel like im being tricked, thats annoying lol I dont know much abou Milani products though ive never seen them before.

my point exactly! Now i have to go back and check out all those shadows I missed because they might actually be satin or matte finish? ARGHHHHHH
(theres this gorgeous green one! ooooooooh)

Milani products are very nice, but i find that the company is very big on presentation...I suppose thos os why over spray makes sense to them. It does make the shadows look really pretty---to look at!!--- I particularly like the blushes and bronzer duos

I've never bought one of their shadows as attractive as they are because...well...I hate sparkly eyes!


Well-known member
Cosmetics companies will do anything for presentation because that is what makes us as consumers buy. To be honest if I was presented with a regular powder and the same powder with an overspray and I wasn't allowed to swatch them I would pick the oversprayed one because it's prettier. It's kind of like the dazzleglasses, they look bigger than regular lipglasses when they aren't and they are packaged nicer to make them pretty so we buy them. Ooooh, shiny......


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Forever
If its the eyeshadows your worried about then i wouldnt worry to much.I dont think ive ever seen a eyeshadow with an overspray.But ive taken a look on there website and they break down the finishes for you online.So you can check them out before going to the store.The finish breakdown is midway down the page,located in the product description box.Its letter coded.Then if you hover the mouse over the shadow your interested in it will give you the letter code which tells you what the finish is.This link is for the RUNWAY eyeshadow but if you go to the powder eyeshadow page it breaks down the finishes the same way.Also does the same on the blushes page.They should have this chart in the stores right? lol Hope this helps
Heres a link.RUNWAY EYE SHADOW - Eye - Milani Cosmetics

i've actually bought an eyeshadow with overspray---it was in their original line and was le, abt 5 years ago. A rich deep red. I refused to buy it because it looked like a glittery deep coral...then the sales lady showed me the tester where all the coral had rubbed off to reveal the deepest red ever! needless to say, I bought it. (then some mean wretch STOLE it, and since i dont know the name of the color, i cant hunt down a replacement


Well-known member
That's why looking at testers is very helpful! By the time 10000 little fingers touched something, every little trick they did is going to be wiped off
and you are able to see real color and texture of something.
Why do they use it? Well, just to trick us, I would say.


Well-known member
I hear you guys! The Honey Light Highlighting powder was actually on my list but when I found out that the sheen was just an overspray I quickly crossed that one off..


Well-known member
The only things with "oversprays" I've gotten are these Rimmel cream eyeshadows. I have a green metallic cream with purple flecks on top that blend into this incredible purple-green shimmer. But one swipe and it's gone.


Well-known member
yup i'm another hater of oversprays! at least most of the time we can find out through places like specktra and blogs of the item is just an overspray or all the way through. just sucks that wasn't the case with your dior one. i can understand how dissapointed you must be because dior is expencive!


Well-known member
I totally hate oversprays too, I mean if they want to attract interest by making it looks shiny and pretty, why can't they just make the dang product look like that through and through?

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
Oversprays are like false advertising! You don't really know what you're getting until you already have the product and have used it several times! Then one day you use it and...
. Hate that!!

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