Overwhelmed by clutter .... any ideas


Well-known member
I know many of you are overwhelmingly busy like i am. Recently I have been irritated by the amount of clutter in the house. I have to vacuum daily to handle the mess left by the 2 year old. The house stays Clean... b/c i can't stand grossness like food and crumbs and dirt all around, its just completely cluttered. There is stuff everywhere. How do you busy ladies deal with the everyday clutter ?


Well-known member
It's hard to get any major cleaning done during the week, so I do a big clean during the weekend (bathrooms, mopping, laundromat, etc) and during the week I do little bursts of cleaning. Like if I have a spare five minutes I'll dash around the living room and pick up things that don't belong. Also I'll clean the kitchen as I cook (wipe down counters, do dishes as they come...)

Hope that helps! It's really hard to keep clean, especially since you have a 2 year old. (My SO is my version of a two year old! haha)


Well-known member
I am the same way! I have been trying to get rid of things. If I haven't used it in a few months (within reason) I toss it or donate it if it is still good. I try to pick up as I go. As another poster said, short bursts of cleaning. Give yourself 5 minutes and tackle one room. You will feel a little less overwhelmed about the clutter. One thing I know that works with clutter is have a place for everything, and put it in its place when you are finished with it. I know it is hard! I am trying to do better as well. Somehow my makeup is always nice, clean, and organized though


Well-known member
I wish I could get rid of my clutter but I can't. Haha I have SO much junk I have collected over the years but when I get rid of something I swear I have seperation anxiety and suddenly feel the need for whatever I tossed. Everything in my room is just in piles and it is so messy all the time. Cleaning is just not an easy thing for me.


Well-known member
The same goes for me, I'm always cleaning. I have two siblings (10 and 9) and they make a hell of a lot of mess. I don't think they understand wtf a trash can is because they leave their sh** everywhere... When I say everywhere I mean everywhere; on the floor, in between the cracks of the sofa, on the table, everywhere! hahaha.. Then I clean after my dad and my two puppies (tissue, paper, or socks = a mess).

I don't mind cleaning, I find it very therapeutic actually...

What I normally do is I like to clean when no one is home or when I'm all by myself in an area and everyone else is some where else in the house. I also like to start off in sections of the house, etc.

It takes time and sometimes it doesn't feel worth it when 10 mins later the house is a mess again, but hey that's life. haha


Well-known member
My prescription? Watch Clean House. I love that show!
It will:

1. Instantly make you feel better. The houses they clean are funky bad, so your little bit of clutter will seem much smaller. I know, I know, it's a cheap thrill, but it works. lol

2. Help you realize that stuff is just that, stuff. People hang on to items for so many of the wrong reasons. You will see the difference made by these folks getting rid of some clutter and doing a bit of organizing.

DH and I have no clutter, thanks to mulitiple global moves (you get sick of packing and unpacking things you haven't used since the last move) and Clean House. I love that show. Totally motivating!

Just recently DH and I did a once over of the house. We do this at the begining of each season. Things that helped:

1. Do the sorting, organizing and cleaning together. It's much more motivating. Aside from that, a partner will help talk you out of a stupid decision to keep something you haven't used or don't need ( I speak from experience there. Thanks, hubby).

2. Sort your items into piles: Trash, Donate, Needs a Place to Be Stored. Then go from there. We found a charity to come pick up all of our stuff: furniture, clothes, housewares, etc. It's also a tax write-off.

3. Make sure you have a home for everything. If an item doesn't have a home, it goes from the living room, to the den to the kitchen table, then back to the den, etc.

4. Invest in some good storage items. Target, Ikea, Bed Bath and Beyond and the Container Store are good places to look.

5. Be picky about the things you bring into the house. A/k/a The birth of clutter.

Once all the big clutter is sorted out, the rest of the house is much easier to take care of. Good luck in your clutter battles.


Well-known member
MAC_Whore, do you ever watch How Clean Is Your House?

I LOVE that show! I just wish they wouldn't scratch and sniff other people's grimy bits!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lizzie
MAC_Whore, do you ever watch How Clean Is Your House?

I LOVE that show! I just wish they wouldn't scratch and sniff other people's grimy bits!

I haven't. What's the premise? What channel? You have me curious now.


Well-known member
OH man, I have seen that. I just didn't recognize the name. Don't you seriously wonder how people let their houses get that dirty? Not just untidy, but DIRTY. Sure, everyone's house gets a bit out of sorts, but man...you see some unholy things on that show! Could you imagine sharing that with a TV crew and the world?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
OH man, I have seen that. I just didn't recognize the name. Don't you seriously wonder how people let their houses get that dirty? Not just untidy, but DIRTY. Sure, everyone's house gets a bit out of sorts, but man...you see some unholy things on that show! Could you imagine sharing that with a TV crew and the world?

The worst part is when they revisit the people and their house is dirty again!


Well-known member
That's baaaad.

I'm going to start my own cleaning show. It will be called, Burn my Shit Down. If my crew decides your house is salvagable, we help you clean it. If my crew deems your house is too messy, we get to burn it down. I think I will make good money off of this. Low production costs and all. Matches are cheap.

Oh, here's the twist. If we have cleaned your house, then come back to it being dirty, we get to break out the flamethrower.

No, I've rethought the idea. I would have to constantly keep my house spotless to avoid being a hypocrite and I think the constantly sparkly house might be a stretch.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lizzie

After you bust out with the flame thrower, we can make creme brule!

So it will be a hybrid cleaning/cooking show. S'mores, anyone?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
So it will be a hybrid cleaning/cooking show. S'mores, anyone?

So, we bought marshmellows today and are planning to make s'mores on the stovetop with chopsticks. It's like you read my mind!
But shhhh! Don't tell the ladies in the weight loss thread!


Well-known member
Hehe, I don't deal. We usually clean on the weekends...like everyone else in America.

The little things I do though:
1. Put my work clothes away once I've changed.
2. Put my brushes and haircare stuff back where it was when I'm done with it in the morning.
3. Put my makeup back where I got it from.
4. If the dishwasher is empty, once I'm done with a dish it goes into the dishwasher rather than the sink.


Well-known member
I'm glad to know i'm not the only one .... when we vist other people's houses I feel so ashamed lol... but then thinking about it , I clean like a mad women if anyone is coming to ours lol....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
I would totally move.

Silly Girl!!!

I must be the laziest B**h on this thread....I must and cannot live without my Cleaning lady...I cannot stand clutter and I cannot stand constantly having to clean! I can live without a lot of things but Mary Lou is a permanent expense for us.


Well-known member
^^^oh hell no, I live in a two bedroom apartment and still have a cleaning lady. That is one of my very few luxuries. I cannot deal with cleaning. It just isn't going to happen.

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