Is there any alcohol in your house? Any at all, even if it belongs to someone else?
If so, it has to go.
Just do your damndest to stop drinking. Don't go anywhere that you think you might be tempted to have a drink. If it means not going out for a while, not even to dinner? Then so be it. Avoid the temptation, because at first it will be difficult.
I strongly suggest therapy, as well.
The only way my dad kicked his alcoholism was to get ALL the booze out of the house, remove himself from any situation where he'd be tempted to drink, and GO TO THERAPY ONCE A WEEK. Take whatever you would have spent on booze, and spend it on therapy sessions.
I know how bad alcoholism can get. It took my father almost killing himself AND me to make him realize that he needed to stop. I'm glad you're realizing it without things having to go that far.
I can't stress therapy enough. In a way, you are using alcohol as a coping mechanism. A good therapist will be able to help you find a new way to cope, so you won't need that crutch anymore. I honestly don't believe a person can kick a drinking/drugs problem without therapy.
If you need the support of others with problems, I'm sure you can also find some group therapy. But, IMO, it should be a form of therapy, run by real doctors who know how to treat this problem.
There's also outpatient rehab. A friend of mine does that, and she's been sober over a year now! She is also in AA, but says the outpatient rehab is what's really helping her out.