paint sticks?


Well-known member
paint sticks? woah im late/newb - ive never heard of em


Well-known member
Paint sticks are a pro product, and like Chromacakes they're mostly intended for theatrical use. You can get the same colour range from pigments, shadesticks, paints and shadows. They're kinda oily and would crease like crazy if you used them on your eyes, they also smudge. I wouldn't spend your money on them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ruby_soho
Paint sticks are a pro product, and like Chromacakes they're mostly intended for theatrical use. You can get the same colour range from pigments, shadesticks, paints and shadows. They're kinda oily and would crease like crazy if you used them on your eyes, they also smudge. I wouldn't spend your money on them.

okay thanks. they seem cool, but if they crease than thats just a waste.


Well-known member
I love them. my friend gave me True Chartreuse and Clear Sky Blue, it makes the colors pop more than Shadesticks and Paints can. what I do is put a layer of paint on first, let it dry then put on the paintstick and do my e/s etc..I wore one to a concert and I was in a grose pit the entire night and when I got home, there was no smudging at all. the cool thing about them is that they have a matte pigment to go along with them, and when you pair them together, it's really cool.

so yeah, I think you should try them. it sucks that they are like..20 bucks though.