Papercut Bride all warmed up


Well-known member
Hi all,

I am attending a wedding next month and will be in the photos so I want a good look for on camera. I love MAC's Papercut Bride face chart and want to do a similar look on myself. I am blonde NC20 though, and wearing a plum dress I am afraid of washout, especially on camera. Before I try and buy the look I am wondering if you guys have any ideas for warming up the look?

MAC Cosmetics | Bridal | Emily

I am thinking Embark instead of Cork to darken the eye, and maybe a more pink/peach blush, open to all suggestions! Thanks in advance!

BTW, this is the dress [but in plum, link to plum is broken as it was a sale bargain at £39!] - I'm thinking bronze/gold accessories

Aruba Short Jersey Dress at


Well-known member
I took a look at the model and the products used, and it looks like this collection will turn out a bit more intense than pictured. Usually under strong studio lights and some Photoshop, the colors on the model may end up a bit different once they reach your computer screen. That being said, I wouldn't worry about getting another blush or any other products. If you want to up the intensity of the e/s, Cork is nice. The colors in the set should be fine though, since MAC is a brand that you can play with to get different levels of intensity since MAC is so pigmented. Even the softest shades can be intensified with a paint pot or cream color base (CCB), or even a heavier hand with the brush, but in this case you should be getting everything that you need if you are getting the whole set. Like frocher said above, bronzer is a great way to warm up this look. Try to get a non-shimmery bronzer, because in photographs the flash might just turn that nice real-life 'glow' into 'greasiness'.
HTH! BTW, gorgeous gown!! The neutral colors you selected for the makeup look will complement it well!


Well-known member
Thanks both, I have a feeling that with a few nights practice (and I will FOTD for feedback and cc!) I will get this look down. I am really excited to get some accessories too, haven't had a good occassion to go to for a while!