Paridisco eyeshadow


MAC Eyeshadow "PARADISCO" - NIB - eBay (item 220175205551 end time Apr-19-08 17:26:09 PDT)

when i search on ebay...the print of the packaging looks fishy
same with this seller
what about their other items?

is paradisco in fact a color?


Well-known member
It is a real color and the site looks fine but if you're going to pay retail for it I'd say buy it off the MAC website of get it in the store.

I only look at D/C and L/E stuff on E-bay (cause it's no longer available anywhere else) and even then I'm really really critical and careful, if I see any red flags I run the other way--and I stay completely clear of pigments on e-bay. But for permanent stuff, just get it from the source, it's usually the same or cheaper in the long run and you KNOW it's legit.


Well-known member
this seller is usually pretty good, but paradisco IS one of the fake colours floating about. i'd be more inclined to believe this one is real but as ambonee stated for reg colours its probably better to buy at the source given the current ebay market...