Part Rant/Part Genuinely Seeking Help


Well-known member
At the end of this lease I think I'm leaving my relationship. Do I love him, yes. However, I'm not willing to do more than half the chores. I'm far from a neat freak but put it this way, if we lived in section 8 we'd probably get fined for how messy the place is. I'm not going to do it all myself. It might be different if I was not doing anything, but we're both in school contributing the same amount, I'm not going to contribute half (or more) & do all the cleaning.

I can't stand how my boyfriend bitches about having to clean things, and not an unequal amount of things. I also can't stand that he leaves dishes in the sink for weeks to the point they eventually get in the way of me washing my stuff, then it takes 8 days of nagging to get him to clean it and then there's so much stuff in the sink it doesn't all fit in the dishwasher so it takes another 8 days of nagging to get him to finish that and by that time the process has already re-started.

I hate how there's cat poo in the closet for 4 days+ before he gets to it. Not in the litter box, seriously in the closet. And there's been kitten vomit on the bedroom floor for 10 hours.

I hate how I have to bitch and him and insult him to get him to take daily showers. (i.e. "your balls smell, take a shower.")

I hate how I have to stand there and bitch at him to give me his smelly clothes (because I do all the laundry) so he doesn't stink up the place more than the poo he's left in the closet does.

I hate how there is a massive stacking of soda cans on all of my side tables, and the floor. I have to through with garbage cans and clean it all up every few days. I'm totally almost to the point of throwing away every glass that is not a nice glass (big gulp cups, etc.) so I stop having to do this.

I hate how there is a dent in the couch because all he does it sit there all day and play video games & read digg/reddit.

I hate how our electric bill is ridiculous because he likes to play DragonAge all day on a 42" plasma. I'll take part of the blame because I do watch TV on it, but not for 8-10 hours a day.

I hate the fact that he's spent a few hundred bucks on video games this semester and refuses to buy a few new shirts so he doesn't look like a bum. (I bought him new shirts and he won't wear them.)

I hate how he never stays on top of things and how it's partially his fault that his student loan check never comes on time... (this semester it came 3 months late, we had to run completely through mine to avoid being evicted.)

I hate how we had to pay extra for his traffic ticket because despite my reminders every day he never sent in a letter requesting volunteer hours in lieu of payment. I had to write the letter for him, and sent it in.

Basically I hate how I do everything as far as house maint. other than the cat box and dishes. I make sure the bills are paid on time and everything. And the few things he does do he never does in a decent time period. If I did not complain about these things I doubt he would ever do the dishes. He would just eat fast food to avoid doing dishes and it would pile up.


Well-known member
woah. that is insane. my hubby can be a little relaxed when it comes to cleaning but if a kitty vomits on the floor he jumps up straight away and cleans it properly. and kitty poop in the closet?! what the heck?!

he's not suffering form depression is he? because he whole way of life seems like he just can't be bothered anymore, which is what heppens when people are depressed.

how long do you have left on your lease?


Well-known member
is he a mommas boy? I am being serious. Some people are just fucken lazy. Girl, my husband is. If I dont do it, it wont get done.No matter how much I bitch, he doesnt care. Just leave girl. Hes not gonna change.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Wow he's making you hs mother and girlfriend. No amount of nagging will make him want to do it or at least rather do it than smell your pet's poop in the closet, see dirty dishes everywhere etc. I think he needs to realize on his own that his inaction to clean has consequences too. Not every man is like this.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeccalovesMAC
is he a mommas boy? I am being serious. Some people are just fucken lazy. Girl, my husband is. If I dont do it, it wont get done.No matter how much I bitch, he doesnt care. Just leave girl. Hes not gonna change.

Actually no. I vehemently avoid momma's boys for other reasons.


Well-known member
I am not a neat freak by any means, but that is just disgusting! He obviously isn't going to change and if you can't deal with his grossness (I certainly wouldn't be able to) then leave him. I am sure that there is a much better guy out there for you!


Well-known member
You can always get your own place and give him a chance to change his ways on his own before you decide to leave the relationship entirely (that's if you want to give him a chance). DEFINITELY cut the communal living at the end of the lease, it sounds pretty stressful.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
You can always get your own place and give him a chance to change his ways on his own before you decide to leave the relationship entirely (that's if you want to give him a chance). DEFINITELY cut the communal living at the end of the lease, it sounds pretty stressful.

Own place = unaffordable in Tampa Bay, FL.

The budget my school uses denotes $500 monthly to rent + utilities. It's not happening. $500/mo is hard to come by with roommates, its impossible without.

Not to mention the fact that there are no jobs here.


Well-known member
To be honest, he sounds like a total loser... basic hygiene is a GIVEN, not a nice-to-have! You're best without him... go find yourself a clean cut hot stud!


Well-known member
i think before you leave him you should weigh the good against the bad, if there are more good aspects of him than there are bad maybe you should give it a rethink. I thought he was just dirty but not paying his ticket or the bills on time is just plain irresponsible.


Well-known member
I don't think he will ever change. He resents the fact that you expect him to clean anything, at all, ever, and this situation will probably decline, not get better. The attitude he has about it is even worse.

If you marry this person, you're committing to a lifetime of this.


Well-known member
He's not going to change hunny.
But u need to put ur foot down, and tell him to help out just a BIT, I mean come on, how can he live like that?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amishmethlab
Own place = unaffordable in Tampa Bay, FL.

The budget my school uses denotes $500 monthly to rent + utilities. It's not happening. $500/mo is hard to come by with roommates, its impossible without.

Not to mention the fact that there are no jobs here.

Have you tried Craig's List. That's how I found where I live.

Why do you love him again?!?!?!


Well-known member
Sounds like a deadbeat to me. You know, those guys that don't do anything productive and waste their lives dreaming big, then tell you you don't know s*** or that "you don't get them" when you confront them about it. Whatever issues the boys have, the real world doesn't care and isn't going to show sympathy for someone that doesn't care about himself. It doesn't care about his "emotions." You shouldn't have to put up with it if he's not cooperating. He's already treating you like a slave and thinking this can get him by. The fact that he's playing video games 8-10 hours a day shows that he's capable of long periods of concentration. He just chooses not to. Don't let him manipulate you into adopting him. Find someone that's at least on your level.

I know jobs are hard to come by now, but they exist. I'd go to the mall and try every store, I mean EVERY. Then try on campus.


Well-known member
wow. You shouldn't have to put up with that at all. Especially since you are busy with school, etc. I think you guys definately need time apart or you need to move on and find someone who is better for you. I'm not a neat freak either but that would totally kill it for me. No one should be THAT messy. good luck and i hope everything works out for the best.


Well-known member
you know i showed this to my hubby and he was quite grossed out by it. he asked if your guy had been babied by his mum alot. hubby has a friend who is like that and doesn't tody up because his mum always used to do it. so he never learned!


Well-known member
That sounds totally horrible!! He sounds just like a roommate my boyfriend had before we moved in together... I read this to him and he said he felt sorry for you because he knows how you feel.

If it's to the point where you have to constantly nag him to do anything, I doubt he's going to change. Maybe give him the ultimatum - clean up his act or it's over.


Well-known member

Poor you!!! I feel your pain. Can you find somewhere separate to eat and clean your own stuff andf keep him away from using your dishes etc? Maybe just treat him like the most disgusting roomy you will ever have so you can keep your freedom - but get some private space so you dont have to share with him. If he wants to live like a pig, let him, but just try not to suffer too much yourself...

And the personal hygiene thing - woah there!! Have you tried talking to him about it at all?


Well-known member
Has he ever had another room mate besides you? Maybe he needs to find one that isn't quite so nice and doesn't do everything for him. If you love him and want to make it work, I would let him have the option of finding somewhere else to live, getting his act together, then moving back together as room mates with separate rooms and communal rules. Even though rent is expensive, you are both going to have to find places to live separately anyway... it doesn't have to be alone for him to possibly change his habits.

I also couldn't deal with these habits and if having a serious talk with a serious plan of action doesn't help moving out does seem to be like the way to go.

Living with my boyfriend is a bit of a compromise for both of us... we both don't care for certain chores... we are both picky about how and when certain tasks should be done so we do things for each other that we wouldn't normally care about and we trade off chores that the other hates.

Lastly, I grew up in a rather messy house. It wasn't dirty per se, but we were just ratpacks with no storage in an old 1920s house. I didn't think it was weird until I started going to visit my friends house and my habits were even more exposed when I started living with my boyfriend. It takes time and exposure to understand and break bad habits sometimes. Do his parents or siblings live this way?

So many thoughts on your situation... I can't imagine how frustrated you are. I hope you find a happier way of life soon.