Patriot Day.


Well-known member
On another forum I'm on everyone was sharing their stories of where they were on September 11th 2001.

I was packed and ready to fly home to Los Angeles from Tucson.

It didn't happen... I stayed a few more days until I got the last seat on the Train home to Los Angeles.

I was 18, and I cried for my mom and dad, I was terrified and wanted to be home.. and here I had thought of myself as a big bad 18 year old ADULT... psshh.


Well-known member
I was on my way to drop my kids off with the sitter. I remember that the sky was gray and it was very humid where I live. I listened to the radio from the sitter's house to work, my jaw on the floor. I will never forget that day.


Well-known member
I woke up to the newscast just after the first plane had it. I was very groggy and sick (with bronchitis), and not entirely sure what was going on, but I remember thinking something was very wrong because I usually wake up to music. I ran upstairs to wake my mom and we turned on the TV to see what was going on. I remember seeing the smoke from the first tower and hearing the sirens.

I got ready for work and we listened to the radio the whole day. I couldn't believe when the towers fell. I just wanted to be surrounded by my family and friends.


Well-known member
I was 12 at the time, living in Oregon. So technically I was asleep when the planes hit the towers. I turned on the TV to see the image of the first plane. I recognized the building (my father used to work about 5 blocks away from it when we lived in New York) and started bawling. I was the only one at school who knew what building it was and I was the only one who knew people who died that day.I still cry every 9/11.


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I remember it because my alarm went off to get up for school and it wasn't music. Listened to the radio the whole morning while getting ready and then at school we had meetings about it. Went to Vancouver the next day for a Destiny's Child concert but of course they couldn't get across the border. 8 years later and it's still horribly sad, still feel for all the families who lost parts of their hearts.


Well-known member
I woke up , and was on my way to school.. and the news was on the TV. I couldn't believe it. I thought it was fake. I think it was my freshman year and first week of school. Feels so long ago..


Well-known member
I was in college and it was the day before my 21st birthday. I woke up with the WORST stomach of my life really early in the morning. I decided to get up and get something to eat and saw on TV the first plane hit the towers. It was one of the most surreal days of my life and a day that I will never forget as long as I live.


Well-known member
I was asleep and my partner woke me up and told me to come and look at the television. I saw the plane hitting a building and at first I thought it was a movie or tv show and then I convinced myself I was just dreaming the whole thing but obviously it was not a dream. It was all very surreal.