PC can be so stupid sometimes...


Well-known member
because it would make sense!

We can't do anything that makes sense!

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
tell me about it! Im going English Language AS Level and i've been discussing PC and the language of parents use talking to their child/ren is known as motherese, fatherese or parentese, which is normal but now its been changed to Care-Giverese wtf?!

PC is getting out of hand!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Handy-capable is the dumbest phrase I've ever heard of. You can't do something that most other people can do. It sucks, but as long as people are treating you with dignity, who fucking cares if you're disabled?

I don't understand why "person with a disability" is better than "disabled person." I'd say 99% of population is smart enough to know that said person isn't 100% disabled of doing other things, just that they have a handicap. To me, they're just two different ways of saying the same exact thing.

I like the word "client." It has dignity, makes sense, and sounds professional. Lawyers have clients. Major businesses have clients. It isn't a slam.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I have a friend whose son plays sports in a league where they don't keep scores at the games. They still follow the rules. They just play without winners or losers. They just want the kids to have fun and feel good about themselves. Hey, no shit, but can't the kids learn to compete in a healthy manner?

Is that the stupidest thing? All the kids keep score anyway.

You know, I wouldn't be surprised if that was less about the kids and their feelings and more about the out of control parents who think its ok to beat up coaches, attack youth players and tell their children to assault other players. Parents are INSANE.


Well-known member
Parents really are insane.

When I worked for the local county you saw parents who you just seriously wondered about. One kid kicked and hit and smashed anothers glasses and its was OK by the parent. Their kid was perfect and could do no wrong.

I think in situations like that parents need to realize that their opinion of never doing anything wrong etc really does a huge disservice to the child


Well-known member
Quandolak Wrote: Quote:
I used to be on a social care course in the uk and one day the teacher went psycho(am i allowed to even say that word hmmf) at me. All because we were discussing disabled peoples care and i called the group in question disabled and not as the teacher wanted them to be called *people with a disibility*. ...I mean wtf ...

She said she was going to have to file a report againts me for discriminating *people with a disibility* and mocking them .

I still cant belive how utterly BACKWARD that course was so i left it . And after a few months i heard the whole class had left and the course was closed down...wonder why!

"People with a disability" = "disabled".

Wow. People can be so rediculously petty.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
Parents really are insane.

When I worked for the local county you saw parents who you just seriously wondered about. One kid kicked and hit and smashed anothers glasses and its was OK by the parent. Their kid was perfect and could do no wrong.

I think in situations like that parents need to realize that their opinion of never doing anything wrong etc really does a huge disservice to the child

I don't have any kids, but I see that a lot. Parenting is so different than when a lot of us grew up. You knew that when your mom or dad gave you that "looK", your a** had better shut up. My dad's favorite response to a complaint was "Nobody said life was fair...get used to it." or the whole "Weep and you weep alone" bit. I am so glad he did that now.

I agree PC has gone too far. I also think the banning of tag is STUPID. Whoever said that we were gonna have a nation of wussies was right on the money. Where were these people in the 70's? How many of us survived childhood without seatbelts?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
How many of us survived childhood without seatbelts?

Ha, this is so true. I completely forgot that we didn't have seatbelts when I was a kid. One day my mom was bitching about how difficult baby car seats were and then laughed and said she never had car seats for any of us when we were little. I don't think people drove as crazy then


Well-known member
Shoot my mom drove crazy and still does! I learned quick not to take a nap in the backseat when she was at the wheel.

We would also be in the back of her station wagon (like the Griswalds) being slung from one side to the other everytime she turned a corner.


Well-known member
Heh i remember being dropped off a daycare when I was little... and they had a stationwagon they used to drop kids off at achool and stuff. Everyone was packed into that car like a can of sardines. And if you were the unlucky person, you had to sit on the wheelwell lol...


Well-known member
Yeah, that's just ridiculous.

Simply put, you're providing a service for them. How are they not clients? :roll:

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