People, let's review OSHA


Well-known member
I work at a major (starts with an M and ends in ACYS) department store. So tonight it happened. What people were joking with me about all along. Yes, I knew women could be disgusting.

Someone urinated in the dressing room in the department (women's clothing) I was working in. :eek2: So we all had our little OSHA review. I mean come on! Just tell us if that happens. Leave us a little note. Shit happens. Don't pile clothes on it.

I have to go wash my hands for the 80th time tonight.


Well-known member
NASTY!! seriously...who does that!?!?
What would compell someone to pee in a dressing room?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hdirenzo
NASTY!! seriously...who does that!?!?
What would compell someone to pee in a dressing room?


Anyways, that really sucks. I hope that that doesn't happen to you guys again, ewness.


Well-known member
Oh my god
. Disgusting!!!! What is wrong with people??!?! I was complainging about something the other day and my boyfriend called me "Ms. Cal OSHA."


Well-known member
Ahem... coincidentally, I used to work at Macy's, and people would urinate in the juniors dressing room as well... Luckily I did not work at that department.


Well-known member
WOW. I three worked at Macys and ppl used to piss in the dressing room all the time. The worst part I worked in the ladies dept so it was always grown woman. On a separate note my fav is when they only have me working and I didnt get a chance to clear out the fitting rooms all day and there would be a pile of sensors under a pair of pants.


Well-known member
nasty! I work at Wal-Mart and thank god I'm in the vision centre! As I was walking back for lunch today....I look down on the floor and "omg is that what I think it is?" yup, someone sh*t on the floor outside the bathrooms.... I'm speechless....


Well-known member
Yep. I worked at Macy's a while back and this happened all the time -- in the women's department! Geez. Someone also defecated in the lingerie department's dressing room too. People these days!


Well-known member
OMG! That's nasty! I have to wonder what they wiped with??!! People are just disgusting. Hopefully it was some kid who had an accident, but still the parents should have taken him. My friend works a drug store and an old man had a accident just walking down the aisle! And she had to clean it up. Nasty. If you can't hold it, then stay home!


Well-known member
these stories are horrendous!! i can't believe it. they have to be too embarrased to notify as SA.... okay the pile of sensors... is really turning my stomach.... *prices flying through the roof*


Well-known member
Okay, that is sooooo gross! And I had no idea this is a common problem. Worked in retail many years but never where there were fitting rooms. That just sucks but if it makes anyone feel better or less sick...Urine is actually a sterile substance so its not as horrible as many may think. Fecal matter, however, is not. Ewww


Well-known member
I was told urinating was mainly a problem in petites and given the person who works in petites full time I think I understand why someone would do that. They did find feces in a dressing room once.

It is gross and even if it is relatively sterile, I still don't want to come into contact with someone else's bodily fluids. LOL


Well-known member
Someone took a poopy in a storage closet in the dressing room area at my old job.

I can't believe people sometimes. So disgusting.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Simply Elegant
Eww I've never even heard of this happening before.

I know!!! i swear it never crossed my mind!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KAIA
I know!!! i swear it never crossed my mind!!!!

Me too. I'm speechless


Well-known member
Eew. I had a friend that worked in Junior's at a Dept store and she said people always went to the bathroom in there. Once she found a used condom.

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