People who dont know the value of MAC


Well-known member
ERRRRRR I came home to find my Barbie E/s, 3 of them (that i back2maced, so it was free) on the floor!! and i just called my bf and yelled at him. what is he thinking? he knows how much its worth, what it means to me, and what i could sell it for, yet he seems to have no respect for my priceless mac. ERRRR Why put it on the floor? errr he knows if he breaks anything, he will replace it or i will sell his stuff to replace it (we are so poor right now). i needed to vent, everything is ok but still, you never know.


Well-known member
silly boy, establish some rules. he'll get the picture. that's what i did with the boy, and he got it because if i did that to his clothes and shoes...he would be mad


Well-known member
I'm so glad my husband knows how important it is to respect these things. Now if only I could teach my daughter..


Well-known member


Seriously, it is important to set ground rules with live-ins. Everyone needs to learn to respect others' space and possessions, and if they can't, they go! But maybe I'm a little OTT about this.. I once physically attacked a roommate for eating my Ben & Jerry's Festivus


Well-known member
I know how you feel, honestly. I had a friend borrom my makeup, and the casues a chip in of of my e/s - I almost told her to buy me a brand new one, I was that POed...but everything it okay now

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Where did you leave it and was it possibly an accident?

If he really has no regard for your belongings, I'd explain it to him in terms of stuff that means something to him, like "Honey, how would you feel if I just dumped your CDs on the ground and left them there?"

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by PerfectMistake
I know how you feel, honestly. I had a friend borrom my makeup, and the casues a chip in of of my e/s - I almost told her to buy me a brand new one, I was that POed...but everything it okay now

i had something like that happen to me , i had a chanel lipstick that came in a lil case with mirrior and brush that was $30-35, she stuck her fingers in it and used it as blush


Well-known member
my Hubby has been with me while shopping at our local MAC store so he's seen the totals......AND I've given him wishlists in around my birthday & he knows!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenii
I'm so glad my husband knows how important it is to respect these things. Now if only I could teach my daughter..

my daughter almost ruined my UD deluxe shadow palette. I was so pissed but she is only two and it was partially my fault because i fell asleep on her-grad school, job, wife and mother leads to an awful case of exhaustion.
my husband told me to discipline her but i didn't-i am a softy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lemurian


Seriously, it is important to set ground rules with live-ins. Everyone needs to learn to respect others' space and possessions, and if they can't, they go! But maybe I'm a little OTT about this.. I once physically attacked a roommate for eating my Ben & Jerry's Festivus

Thankfully none of my friends or family would interfere with my m/up....but if ANYONE touches my Haagen's over.


Well-known member
My boyfriend has stepped on my makeup before (my MSF's) I almost smacked him in his face. but they were left out on my bedroom floor. But its MY bedroom floor. watch where you walk, damn it! lol


Well-known member
I like silent revenge. If my husband did that, I would take his most prized possession (his watch) and I would put it in my cat's litter box.

J/K. I really think that beauty mark was right on when she mentioned explaining it to him on terms he might understand. Otherwise, I'd find a safe place to keep my makeup so it doesn't happen again.

I'm sorry that happened. That sucks.


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you es!

My boyfriend tries to scare/piss me off by trying to rub his finger in my e/s! He always does this, but never goes through with it. hahaha... he knows i'll kick his ass, so he just laughs about it.


New member
My husband, family, and friends KNOWS that no one is allowed to touch my make-up. ..................But my husband did play a great trick on me. He ran into the house and said when opened the back of the truck my make-up kit fell out and it was open. I'm a professional make-up artist, so I immediately burst into tears, LOL(before I could even make it outside)LOL. I ran outside to find that it was all a joke. I can laugh now, LMAO but I was so pissed that day!


Well-known member
i taught my bf awhile ago, lol. i think he knew anyways since he pays for alot of my make-up and to him thats his $$$ being wasted if something happens to it.haha

maybe we all should let our bfs buy our makeup!! lol then they wont wanna hurt it.


Well-known member
When I was a kid, I would get into my mom's makeup and play with it so bad I would ruin it. Shiz..I hope the karma bug doesnt bite me when I have kids!!