People you have influenced

black mamba

Well-known member
I've only influenced my mom cause that's pretty much the only woman I'm around. She really likes Courdory e/s and coco beach pigment. She's really a Dior girl at heart though.


i got my best friend interested in eye kohls. also, i got another good friend to get into pigments. she loooves the all girl pigment


Well-known member
I'm working on it... I'm working on my sister - she knows she can't borrow but this is the second time in two weeks she wanted me to do her makeup so she could go out. I've also influenced my sisters friend who is getting married in two weeks- she asked if I can do her wedding makeup <g> which is a big compliment. My goal is to convert any and all Mary Kay people I can find (I teach school so there are always MKs around because they think MK is "high end" product.)


Well-known member
all my friends always tell me that my makeup and all it's vibrant colour makes them happy hahaha :]


Well-known member
The poeple i made into mac girls-

my mom, 4 sisters, best firend, 4 coworkers, 3 cousins, 6 family friends, and im working on my friend whodoesnt wear any makeup, so far we got her freshwater!, everyone tells me im liek a SA when i explain the products and blah blah lol! im applying soon!!


Well-known member
I've just come home from my friend's, one already uses Mac for her base and the other never wears makeup. They had to listen to me talking about pigments and the one who never wears makeup actually said she's going to go to Mac and ask for a sample which is shocking for her!

I've also got my 2 cousins who would have never spent more than £3 for an item of makeup into Mac that they splashed out quite abit recently taking me as their Mac consultant!


My friend had her first makeup purchase w/me. She bought MAC Flusterose...She couldn't believe she would buy that much!


New member
I got my mother into BE foundation and out of wearing dark lips colors. She needed to wear more light berry colors.

Although most of my family lives 3,000 miles from me I manged to get a few of my cousins hooked on Ulta and Sephora. We send FOTD's back and forth.

I have talked a few of my friends into wearing something besides neutrals or the same look all the time.

I taught my sister-n-law how to apply e/l Or at least get it close to the lash line.

My niece now wears the right color foundation! No more orange for her! YAY!

I have "helped" a few strangers while in Sephora. For some reason people just come up to me and ask what I think. A few times I would just put in my own 2cents.


Well-known member
I've enabled several people: 2 very good friends, 2 other friends, a co-worker and other people.

I'm working hard on enabling my mom, but she is resisting. I am still working on her!


Well-known member
I'm the only person at my workplace who wears makeup at all but I'm getting one of my co-workers into it. I just bought her Ruby Woo l/s for Christmas because she has been talking about it but is afraid to go to MAC.


Well-known member
Well For Christmas I Am Getting My Friends Sephora Gift Cards. I Had To Force Them To Change From Their Blah Make~up Routine Into Stepping Out Of Their Comfort Zone. I Have Done Make~up Overs For Them In Sephora And Had People Coming Up To Me Asking Can I Do Their Make~up Or Do You Think This Will Look Good On Me. I Have To Tell Them I Don't Work Here But I Will Be Happy To Pick Out Colors For You


I got my sister into WEARING make-up. Previously, she was a moisturiser-sunblock and out the door kind of girl. I took her to MAC Pro for her grad present and got her addicted. Now, she plans for the new collections.

I've also influenced my friend Jen, and through my sister, two of her friends. They're all MAC-ophiles, now.


Well-known member
i don't have any sisters and all my best friends are guys, but i'm SLLLOOOWWWWLLLYY working on my mom. She already tried their powder when she ran out of clinique and i'm attempting to work on her eyes. she's about as stubborn as i am, so you can imagine how hard this is.


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I am known for my M·A·C habit and because I am doing makeup on a lot of other people as a makeup artist I find that people like to ask me for hints, tips and recommendations so I've really lost count of the number.


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Let me see.. Lots of the girls I went to school with, they all loved to go through my train case everyday to see what was new and were always asking me questions. My god-daughter, my nanny (more like adopted aunt now LOL after how many years??), my mother (still a work in progress), my hair dresser, & my sister-in-law (I did her face for the wedding
& am putting together a kit for her for Christmas). Just to name some.


Well-known member
My friends. I have about 60 pigments, and they're all coming around for samples!


Well-known member
I've talked a lot of friends into buying Fluidlines. My sister has also bought some eyeshadows.