PETA + Pro Lifers = terrorist groups


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There are people out of every group who can be classified as terrorists. Some just take it too far. My problem with some pro-life people is that they choose to harrass women entering abortion clinics. I mean, yeah I know free speech and all that jazz but if you harrass someone in the street that's assault, yet to yell at these poor young women that they're murderers and such, is ok? Thats dumb. As for political beliefs, I think its wrong to steriotype people by saying if they have one belief then they must have another. I happen to be pro-choice. But I'm anti-welfare and anti-union. And I'm mainly pro-war although I think our current war is going badly. PETA people mean well I think. But they take it to the extreme, and I think that hurts them. Just my 2 cents.


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I'm pro-life...and anti-death penalty, anti-war, anti-animal cruelty- i think they all tie in together. and i think women deserve better choices than abortion- because our culture makes a lot of women feel (this is just coming from my college experience) that they have to choose between having a kid and having an education, career, etc- and that's not a fair, or a true choice. there were many girls i went to school with who got pregnant, even with the man they wanted to marry, and even though they wanted children, but aborted anyway because they were afraid they wouldn't be able to finish college or that they'd have some sort of stigma of being an unwed mother. that sucks.

would i bomb an abortion clinic or threaten an abortion doctor or picket outside a clinic? hell no. would i try to help a friend find another way, a way to acheive EVERYTHING she wanted without taking a life? you bet. but if she chose to abort, i wouldn't stop being there for her, and I wouldn't condemn her. (and yes, i've backed those words up with actions)

i feel like a lot of people think all pro-life people are nutjobs. and frankly, that hurts my feelings.


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actually I did register on peta to win smashbox makeup- lol! My sister is a veterinarian... she treats animals ethically thats why they are sedated before they are euthanized.

I grew up on a farm... I think PETA is kind of silly- of course I'm against animal creulty and testing.. but c'mon- I need steak with my baked 'tater. We once raised a blind steer for slaughter- his name was porkchop- he was tasty. My husband hunts and fishes. The slaughter houses are designed to be humane as possible... now if PETA began bombing the feedyards or bull racks (cattle trucks), or containment barns for pork or chicken farmers then I'd say they are terrorists.


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Originally Posted by vloky
You know what I don't get about the "pro lifers", the majority of them are anti abortion while being pro war, and pro death penalty! And they are the same people who are against any sort of public service help (head start, food stamps, etc.) So they want the babies born but once they're born they could give a f*** less about them. And how can they be truly pro life while being pro war and pro death penalty? Why not just call themselves anti choice or anti abortion? they aren't truly pro life. :confused:

You expressed my opinion on this topic! I've spent time in Nebraska, Kansas and South Dakota - very prolife, very anti welfare, pro war, republican states... But- not all people are just the majority.

You are right anti-abortion is what a lot of people are.


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i think extremist views let us see what we DON'T want to be like-at least thats what they do for me. PETA seems like a crazy group of people looking to complain and throw paint on people. Well I like meat very much, I wouldn't go run and buy a fur coat if I had a few grand, but I won't condemn someone for it, and what do they do to help stop actual cruelty against animals? There are so many stories on the news about kennels being found by authorities, mistreated animals, etc. My question is where is PETA? It seems like they're all talk and no action. Then again maybe they just have horrible PR and really do help against animal cruelty-I doubt it though. And I am Pro-Choice. I think that its one of those things where its picking between a greater or lesser evil. Let someone legally get rid of a baby or let them go to someone who could possibly use a nasty hanger to kill the baby (and injure the mother) also what about rape victims and mothers in health danger? Rape seems to be more an issue with christian people I talk to, but they are totally against abortion after rape. I've met someone who was a product of his mother's rape and yes he was a great guy. She didn't have an option though, her parents were devout Catholic and she was date-raped so she had a child at 15. She didn't have any options. I'm happy to live in a country where I do, and I know that if something as terrible as rape would happen to me, my parents would understand why I could not keep a baby. I think Pro-lifer's expect everyone to be able to own up to the responsibility of sex. That is obviously not a possibility for everyone. To sum it up, I don't think Pro-Lifers are terrorists (the ones who DON'T bomb abortion clinics-thats just plain evil). I don't agree but thats ok everyone has their opinion. Peta on the other hand...just sucks...and they're not terrorists either, they're whiney celebs and idiots (for the most part) who should really DO something to help out injured, abused animals. Not get heated over JLO or throw paint on Anna who-gives-a-crap Wintour.


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Originally Posted by leppy
There are people involved with PETA for the wrong reasons and take advantage. There are also those who take advantage of the fact that there are bad people in the organization to try and make the entire organization and anyone who agrees with any of their stances look like a hypocrite and a bad person. Kind of pathetic.

I'm not so extreme as PETA, but I think we need extremists of that sort just to balance out the extremism on the other side of the spectrum. If we could just do away with extremism altogether, I'd celebrate.. but until the human race is extinct, extremists will be around in one form or another.

This is one of the best posts I have ever seen. Thanks so much for writing that so coherently. I am a strident supporter of animal welfare, but don't push my views on others. I disagree with some of what PETA does, but I disagree that they, as an organization, have used or advocated the use of violence. Yes, of course there are individuals and other organizations who have. But they are the minority. It is these types of 'in-your-face' groups that bring the attention to the issues. Yes, it may sometimes be negative attention and that may alienate some people. But it is attention to (what I consider to be) very important issues. I can do my individual part and let close ones know my views, but I certainly can't affect change on a large scale like they can.


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The MAIN reason that PETA bugs the hell out of me is that they are supposed to be all about animal welfare, so much so that you can't eat meat or wear fur or leather. BUT they are one of the groops that ACTIVELY try and ban Pit Bulls, and think that they should all be distroyed. That to me is a Hypocrite in the most definate sense of the word...