PETA + Pro Lifers = terrorist groups


Well-known member
Thats an interesting statement for you to make without ellaborating on it or expressing why you feel this way (if, indeed, you do)...

I personally feel that PETA is a joke. I don't know that I'd call them terrorists, I've never heard of them doing suicide bombings or plotting to kill lots of Americans or anything like that...I do, however, think that the organization as a whole really has no intentions of saving the animals. I believe that there are individual people involved in the group with good hearts who care about animals, but the actual organization, I think, is just looking to get a tax break, charity work, and good publicity. There was a story a while back about them dumping (and possibly killing, still being investigated) dead animals (puppies, I think, not sure though) in a dumpster behind some building...just strange things they do...

Pro-lifers...good for them!! I am a Catholic, so I'm all about pro-life. Well...for myself. I, politically, am pro-choice, because I feel that it's not my place as a human being to tell someone else what they can or can not do with their body or their unborn child. Sure Catholics believe that God is all about pro-life and I do what I can to spread His word, but there is a line, and I dont cross it. I dont view myself as a terrorist. Again, I know there have been protests that may have gone badly, but I'm also sure there have been pro-choicers that have taken a not so mature approach and resorted to violence or crime. Same with any group regarding any topic...

Then again, this may not be what you were asking AT ALL, since you didnt really say what direction you were going with this. I don't know really, I just dont think that either group has done enough to classify them as TERRORIST GROUPS. Orrr...I dont feel that either of them puts enough emphasis on the use of violence to classify them as terrorists. Like I said, sure they've both resorted to violence in the past, but most groups, and even people, have at some point.

Professor Fate

Well-known member
Originally Posted by nphernetton
Thats an interesting statement .......

go check the jlo=devil thread.

i was simply stating that pro lifers and PETA are both very similar. they are both very hypocritical and someone in that thread referred to PETA as terrorist. thus making PETA and pro lifers terrorists.


Well-known member
you're going to have extreamest nutjobs no matter who you are. I dont care if your Christian, Islamic, Jewish, Pro Life, Pro Choice, for animal rights, against animal rights, environmentalists, dems, republicans, liberals or conservatives the list goes on.

The correlations are the fact that they are crazy. They have an undying hatred for something they seriously think they can terrorize people into their way of thinking. SOmetimes it is with killing people. Sometimes it is with hurling insults to a degree of degredation.

There is not stopping it. You can try but the people get crazier, stupider and more deranged. You seriously cannot rationalize and try to talk to these people. If you start to try to compromise they see it as a sign of weakness, not a sign of progress of peace.

So yes. To put it bluntly. Some are terrorists.

Professor Fate

Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
you're going to have extreamest nutjobs no matter who you are. I dont care if your Christian, Islamic, Jewish, Pro Life, Pro Choice, for animal rights, against animal rights, environmentalists, dems, republicans, liberals or conservatives the list goes on.

The correlations are the fact that they are crazy. They have an undying hatred for something they seriously think they can terrorize people into their way of thinking. SOmetimes it is with killing people. Sometimes it is with hurling insults to a degree of degredation.

There is not stopping it. You can try but the people get crazier, stupider and more deranged. You seriously cannot rationalize and try to talk to these people. If you start to try to compromise they see it as a sign of weakness, not a sign of progress of peace.

So yes. To put it bluntly. Some are terrorists.

damn, with the way that you put it. i might be a terrorist.


Well-known member
Does PETA or Pro-life = terrorist? No. Are there people in either organization that I would classify as terrorists? Yes. One really doesn't have that much to do with the other except that is their chosen "cause" that they are using as an excuse for violence.

Pro lifers who threaten people, blow up buildings, murder doctors, harrass women.. those are terrorists. Not every pro lifer would take nor condone that kind of action, in fact I'm sure the majority of them wouldn't. I'm pro choice, but I'm not pro making people out to be insane because they disagree with me, so I would never try to group them all together as violent just because some of them are.

There are people involved with PETA for the wrong reasons and take advantage. There are also those who take advantage of the fact that there are bad people in the organization to try and make the entire organization and anyone who agrees with any of their stances look like a hypocrite and a bad person. Kind of pathetic.

I'm not so extreme as PETA, but I think we need extremists of that sort just to balance out the extremism on the other side of the spectrum. If we could just do away with extremism altogether, I'd celebrate.. but until the human race is extinct, extremists will be around in one form or another.


Well-known member
Prof Fate, you may very well be who knows? I mean you have extreamest and crazy nutjobs everywhere. You just gotta wonder about them.


Well-known member
Not all nutjobs are formed from day one. Some 'regular' people just flip in an instant. Did you not learn anything from that film Michael Douglas was in with similar theme (name eludes me).

Nutjobs...not sure I'm comfortable with that term; I can be a nutjob from time to time, not of my own free will. It makes one wonder, how many extremist groups actually prey upon the mentally ill for their cause instead of helping them seek treatment? Perhaps someone should do a study and determine how many wackos have psychological problems bad enough to make them...threatening to society?

The line between 'nutjob' and 'so-called normal' is not as large as one would like to think. A lot of health organisations don't want to look after people with psych problems - till they do something harmful. Got to love Western society; never about preventing, just treating when the shit hits the fan.

Off soapbox.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mspixieears
Not all nutjobs are formed from day one. Some 'regular' people just flip in an instant. Did you not learn anything from that film Michael Douglas was in with similar theme (name eludes me).

the movie was called falling down.. it was excellent!


Well-known member
This is a toughy...For a long time, I was really interested in PETA, because my love for all animals and my stance against animal testing and cruelty. However after a while I decided that the orginization was not for me. They made me feel horrible about myself. First, I thought being an animal lover was good enough...then I felt like I HAD to ( or forced) to be a vegetarian, only wear vegan products, no leather, etc etc or else I was a piece of shit. I didnt like that feeling at all. I do have my double standards, I admit; I'm against animal cruelty but there are several Proctor and Gamble products in my house, I wear leather but never would wear fur, I love meat and dairy products, etc) however, I don't think trying to break people down is OK. Thats how they made me i HAD to be all those things, or I wasn't good enough for PETA. Plus, I know Pam Anderson is a spokesperson, but doesn't SHE wear leather still? I'm not sure but I think so, and if she does, they're just being huge hypocrites. I wish there was another orginazation one could join that has a common ground as far as the concern for animal welfare and humane treatment, while still being realistic.

Pro Lifers...its hard to say for me. I know some are hardcore and everything, but I'm sure thats not the majority of them who are like that. My personal stance is i'm Pro Choice, but I think its a deeply personal issue that everyone has to decide for themselves. I wouldnt say the entire group is terrorist-like. I know only the things you see on tv and in the news are extreme, but thats how the news is.

So all in all, i feel that PETA AS AN ORGINAZATION is very extreme, because they made me fee like I had to be 100% or was worth nothing, and because of their weird ways, as far as donations and etc go, but thats another story.
Pro Lifers, I feel arent all extreme, but as far as they go, i'm not totally in tune with their attitude towards the issue, so I don't want to say too much about something I know little about.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Juneplum
the movie was called falling down.. it was excellent!

Thanks hon! I was just being lazy and didn't bother look it up.


New member
Originally Posted by leppy
I'm not so extreme as PETA, but I think we need extremists of that sort just to balance out the extremism on the other side of the spectrum. If we could just do away with extremism altogether, I'd celebrate.. but until the human race is extinct, extremists will be around in one form or another.

interesting point. where would we be without extreme messages influencing the 'ordinary person'. environmental issues and equal opportunity are areas where mainstream philosophy has incorporated once radical ideas.
but, on the other hand, the fringe is often extremely unaccountable for important aspects of their ideas. some groups live in a simplified, child-like world of theory, where real-life situations don't count.
peta and pro-lifers are among the groups that seem blind to central aspects to their adopted 'issues'.
life is not black and white.
if it was, we would have sorted it all out years ago.

but we can't all be nelson mandela, i guess


Well-known member
Extremity might have its place, but when your actions hurt or endanger other people (physical or psychological) and/or challenge the notions of what is legal and illegal, it becomes sticky. I'm not saying that all extremists break the law, but when they do, it might give a whole bunch of people who aren't even involved in their cause 'inspiration' to perform similar actions. As in general troublemakers, or even sociopaths/criminally insane.

Nutjob, hurting no one but myself.


Well-known member
My biggest issue is each groups tactics. You wanna change something, get it into the courts, get some kind of legislation. Spend your time lobbying rather than being violent toward the other person.

Unfortunately, these groups don't get that violence doesn't solve anything. It just pisses the other side off and makes them fight more rather than considering coming together at a halfway point somewhere.


Well-known member
In no way are they terrorists.
But they do take pretty extreme measures to get their point out.


Well-known member
You know what I don't get about the "pro lifers", the majority of them are anti abortion while being pro war, and pro death penalty! And they are the same people who are against any sort of public service help (head start, food stamps, etc.) So they want the babies born but once they're born they could give a f*** less about them. And how can they be truly pro life while being pro war and pro death penalty? Why not just call themselves anti choice or anti abortion? they aren't truly pro life. :confused:


Well-known member
I'm pro life, I don't like to see a form of life being killed (although I do not condemn or judge ppl that have views other than mine), i'm against animal cruelty because I don't like seeing animals tortured so that I can wear a new mascara. And I know I'm not a terrorist!

I will still eat meat and do things throughout average everyday life that probably involves animals but if something completely unnecessary in my life involves animal testing/cruelty I will avoid it at all costs. Especially if I have knowledge of the fact and can easily avoid it. I think their is QUITE a difference in someone eating meat (for nourishment) and wearing a Mascara or lipstick that was poured onto animals until it ate through their flesh.

These pics in the below link to me are inhumane, unnecessary, cruel and unusual torture to living things that have no choice but to endure the pain until they die. I truthfully just think it's sad.[/url