Philosophy: Hope in a Jar therapeutic moisturizer


Active member
(Am I in the right thread?)

Your thoughts on it.

I just bought the small jar from Sephora because apparently it's the "best selling moisturizer of 2008 at Sephora" or something. I'm easily swayed by bold statements like that. haha.

For those who use it, how do you like it? Compared to other moisturizers, does it do its job? Or would I be better off just buying whatever?

And is it supposed to have that weird smell?


Well-known member
well, i love it. my skin literally DRINKS it up, its very hydrating for me. its not greasy at all, at least not on me. it brightens my face i've noticed, like, my skin looks radiant after using it for about 3 weeks. everyone is always "oh your skin is flawless" and thats honestly why. i really dont know what the hell the moisturizer itself is supposed to do LOL, but whatever it is, it sure is working for me. i actually like the smell. it reminds me of the pool for whatever reason. i can almost smell the spf.


Well-known member
I got the sample tube from Sephora and I was super excited about trying it. After reading wonderful reviews of Philosophy's products, especially the Hope in a Jar, I thought it would change my life.

I was seriously disappointed. It does smell weird, though I could see myself getting over that if it worked better. The smell fades but I really didn't get any huge gains by using it. I mean, it moisturizes, yes, but it's not stellar IMO. I've continued to search for something else. Right now I'm using Clinique's Moisture Surge, which seems to be doing a darn good job.


Well-known member
i didnt see any improvements what so every....and it broke me out
so badly that I wrote a letter to philosophy and they sent me a nice bottle of their purity cleanser...i went through a really strict cleansing routine to get rid of my breakouts and after a month i was clear.


Well-known member
yea i hear it doesnt work for a lot of people, but its fine on me. i think everyone's sensitive skin issue is different, i know i have veerrrry sensitive skin and this one suits me pretty well.

to the OP, maybe you can get a sample jar and test it out


Well-known member
I use ti and I like it. It makes my skin smooth after a few days of using it. If I use it for a really long period of time tho, my skin gets used to it and it doesn't work as well. I have oily skin so i only use it at night.


Well-known member
I got the small bottle to try too and it sucks.. minor little spot break outs everywhere. I'm back to my Kose Sekkisei one. It may cost a lot but boy it's great.


Well-known member
I love it! I like that it soaks in immediately & doesn't feel greasy. Plus, I think it gives me a little bit of a rosy glow> It does swell kind of strange though. not bad- just strange

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