Photo Bucket hates me...


Well-known member
i love it! totally doing this look tmr! haha


Well-known member
I loveee this!!

How on earth did you get mutiny to look like that!?! I used it today and not only was there a ton of fallout but it looked like I just applied bably blue glitter!
.. I need to know how you make it work before I regret buyin it!!


Well-known member
your work is amazing, how long does it take you? i feel so rushed soetimes at work, we are always shortstaffed and i feel like im always stepping away to help someone else, id love to make all my makeovers look so stunning, but dont think i could do a look like this in less than 30 minutes. how do you bust out these superior looks?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Laurie
I loveee this!!

How on earth did you get mutiny to look like that!?! I used it today and not only was there a ton of fallout but it looked like I just applied bably blue glitter!
.. I need to know how you make it work before I regret buyin it!!

I used my UDPP 1st and let it dry, then I patted a small amount of CCB in think i used luna?? It helps to use something creamy when I use pigments or super frosty colors. Also I applied Mutiny with a stiff pencil brush first and gently begin to blend with my trusy #217 brush. The key is a sticky base, and pat and blend little by little so u get a nice blend. I hope this helps or even made sense? sometimes my brain speaks faster than I can type, lol!

Originally Posted by II3rinII
your work is amazing, how long does it take you? i feel so rushed soetimes at work, we are always shortstaffed and i feel like im always stepping away to help someone else, id love to make all my makeovers look so stunning, but dont think i could do a look like this in less than 30 minutes. how do you bust out these superior looks?

Thanks II3rinII!
Yes I totally agree it is hard to do an amazing job when you're shortstaffed, as are we too. Well we also definately step away to help other customers but we also have gotten really good at doing demos fast... they call it a 20 minute workout. CRAZY, I know! I'm in a "urban mall" so we have to do alot of "demos" ( i hate this word, but u get it) regularly and we have no choice but to learn to be fast and do a good job (trust me if it sucks our customers will sure let us know). Our waiting list on most fri-sat is anywhere from 1-2hrs long, but we make sure everyone gets done. And suprisingly these ladies will wait however length of time because God forbid they go clubbing with having their makeup beat! LOL! So yeah, for me I have mental recipies of color combos for different skin tones that always work, and in a rush i whip those out, lol! Verbal contract is my secret weapon


Well-known member
I sooooo want to see a tut on this look!! You don't understand, I showed this to my girls at work and they all have their mouths hanging open!! PLEASE!!! We need a tutorial on this look!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamourgirl216
I used my UDPP 1st and let it dry, then I patted a small amount of CCB in think i used luna?? It helps to use something creamy when I use pigments or super frosty colors. Also I applied Mutiny with a stiff pencil brush first and gently begin to blend with my trusy #217 brush. The key is a sticky base, and pat and blend little by little so u get a nice blend. I hope this helps or even made sense? sometimes my brain speaks faster than I can type, lol!

Ooh! Thanks!! I used a paint pot.. But those dry really quickly... And yess, it made sense! Thanks alot.. I'll try it next time I attempt to use Mutiny!


Well-known member
Wow! I love your brows!! I second you do a tut on this, if not the entire look, how do you do your brows?? they're SO clean!!!



Well-known member
thanks for all the wonderful comments! i wish i could do a tutorial, but i unfortunately i barely have enough time to snap a few FOTD every now and then

i'm always running late to be on time everyday, lol! with my kids/hubby,work, home... the to do list is endless.
i hope u all understand, but if it's ok i'll do my best to post FOTD more often? deal?

thanks for the love!