PichPosh Bath and Body


Well-known member
I'm a dedicated Lushie, but last month, I placed an order for several bath bombs and 'soak n melt's from www.pichposh.com. Let me say, I think I've found a new favourite! Their soak n melts are HUGE (good for at least 3 baths), and their bombs are UBER-moisturizing! I'm totally in love with the milk bombs....

The shipping is really cheap, and the selection greater than Lush (for bombs, anyway). I'd stay away from the cupcake bubble bars though: cute, but hardly any bubble payoff.

So, for all you hard-core bath junkies, try it!


Well-known member
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another LUSH??? *Dramatic pose* This can only mean one thing: ALL of my paycheck is going to bath stuff!
Like, a sweet "Sorry honey, no groceries this week" paycheck. Grrr, thanks lady

(P.s. The Marshmellow bath bomb and Burnt Creme Milk bombs are calling my name!)


Well-known member
I was just thinking i needed some more moisturizing stuff than LUSH! But I really looove the LUSH scents, this brand doesn't make anything I'd use