Picture help


Well-known member
Not sure if this is the right forum for this but I need help and suugestions for taking clearer and brighter FOTD pics. My camera is a Kodak and has lots of options, but nothing seems to make them turn out right. The up close one doesnt flash and if I use it in the bathroom the colors are still washed out and you cant see everything properly. BUt If I use the self-portrait setting the flash is tooo much. And I am also a bit shaky on taking pictures steadily. Do you think I should try setting it down on the counter ans crouching? And the flash doesn't work if it is covered with a tissue (just doesnt for some reason) So, what rooms, settings, lightings do you recommend? Thanks so much.



Well-known member
Well, I don't know what the weather is like where you are but you could try going outside and using natural light or standing near a window. It may help. I have learned that when I use the flash a lot of times an arm's length away is too close. So placing the camera down and moving a little further away may help. I like to place it on hight places - a dresser, a entertainment system, etc. Hope that helps.