Pictureless FOTD: 2/28/08


Well-known member
My face was doing strange things today... my skin refused to take makeup well :/ I'll break out my super-heavy-duty exfoliator tonight and see if that helps...

Shiseido Dual Balancing Foundation (190)
MSF Natural in Light (129)
MSF Natural in Medium Dark (168; contour cheekbones and temples)
MSF in Light Flush (129; over apples of cheeks)

Omega e/s (all over eyelid itself)
Alum e/s (washed with a fluff brush over the omega and lightly over the crease)
Moth Brown e/s (patted into the outer corner and blended upwards into the crease)
Dasher liquid eyeliner (lightly on the top lids)
Clinique mascara in Brown (4 coats)

Benefit Smoooch!
Subculture lipliner
All Revealing lipstick
Pink Clash lipglass


Well-known member
it is minus 25 outside with the windshield, so i dug out my favorite grey wool sweater that i had put away cause i was wishing for warmer spring weather! HA - this is Canada after all! So my makeup is a little smokey and moody today.

Studio Fix Foundation NC20
Powder Blush in Fleurry
(no under eye bags today yay!)

Blot Powder in Medium
Smolder e/l
Cloudburst e/s
Charred e/s
Quick Frost p/g

My lips were an accident, I had a little Silver Fog p/g on my finger (I spilt a little bitty clump the other day) So I had that on my finger and then I put my Aveeno lip gloss on, and it was shiney and pretty. So I just put clear gloss over it and thats all.