Pictureless FOTD: 6/3/09


Well-known member
Okay Okay so I have been working every weekend for MAC the last month and a half,.. I really should remember to take some pics when I get ready for work. Sigghh,.. I have had some good faces,... Oh well,.. with working and yes,.. you heard it,.. I have a new MAN,.. I haven't had a whole lotta extra time. Right now its only a very casual thing but who knows,.. just goes to show even the most dyed in the wool anti-man chick can find someone to float her boat.


Studio finish concealer NW20
Studio Fix in NW20
Pearl Sunshine BP

Merrily Mineral Blush
Perfect Topping MSF

Bare Canvas
Et Tu Bouquet? inner eye and brow bone
UD's Shag on mid-outer lid
UD's Zero on outer lid and in outer crease
UD's 24/7 liner in Zero
Diorshow Mascara in black

Nothing right now I am eating lunch,. but I have sunsational in my purse.

Hope everybody's having a great summer!