Pictures of you + your sig. other :)


Well-known member
My man & me:

The 1st one is from when we first started dating in 2004!

2nd one is from 2005 or 2006, I can't remember exactly

3rd & 4th are from last year ... I have recent ones but they are on my home computer.

... and yes we do smile ... just not in any of these pics



Well-known member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
Man. I think my heart just broke.

I know it may not help much saying this, but you are lucky you had that really special love; even if it wasn't for a long, long time. That boy looks like he really, really, really loved you.

I take care of people with all sorts of disabilities, and I know what you two must have gone through. You're a special person to love and stick by someone when I know how hard (physically, emotionally) it must have been at times...but your love carried you through it, and I have a LOT of respect for you. I hope you know you must've made him very happy. Going through what he did, I'm sure it meant the world to him to have you there. You made his life better.

I wish you all the best.

Thank you so much! Your words are so lovely and supportive! As hard as it has been I know how lucky I've been. I'm not really religious but I am spiritual and I'm comforted by the fact that I know I'll see him again some day and until then he's watching over me. I couldn't have a better guardian than him!

Oh and I'm so glad you've got that info about Hartz in your signature! I used to work at a veterinary clinic and we saw so many cases of toxicity due to the Hartz products! That stuff it awful!

And thank you to everyone for all your kindness! It really is greatly appreciated!



Well-known member
^^^ your husbnd looks like my dad! D:

cute pics everyone! only makes me wish i had a bf. *sigh*

and i totally LOLd at the Johnny Depp pic.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
^^^ your husbnd looks like my dad! D:

cute pics everyone! only makes me wish i had a bf. *sigh*

and i totally LOLd at the Johnny Depp pic.

When I first clicked on the thread, I saw that you were the last person who posted. So when i scrolled down and saw her pics, i thought it was you and ur dad and u were trying to be funny (even though that wouldnt be funny, itd be gross)....and I thought to myself that he looked like ur dad too

is it weird that I remember what ur dad looks like from his FOTD??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
When I first clicked on the thread, I saw that you were the last person who posted. So when i scrolled down and saw her pics, i thought it was you and ur dad and u were trying to be funny (even though that wouldnt be funny, itd be gross)....and I thought to myself that he looked like ur dad too

is it weird that I remember what ur dad looks like from his FOTD??

yeah, that is kind of weird actually... lol :p

But they've got the bald head, the glasses, and the facial hair. They're even similar skin tones. I'm kind of freaked out now. :/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
yeah, that is kind of weird actually... lol :p

But they've got the bald head, the glasses, and the facial hair. They're even similar skin tones. I'm kind of freaked out now. :/

The funny thing is he sort of favors my Dad, minus the bald head! When my brother first met him he said, "he looks like Daddy!" And I didn't really think about it, but he does! And I am a serious Daddy's girl...I don't know! It was not done intentionally! LOL!


Well-known member
lovekrumpet - trevor's hair is awesome! I miss my wee hawk ;-;
jildo - his shirt in the last pic is too funny, and you're super cute n.n
miss supra - lol, that cute in a slightly sexual way


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dreamergirl3
most recent, July 04 2008 on our way to club 1015 Folsom!

this is totally off topic, but there's a club called 1015 folsom? hahahaha that is AMAZING. i want to go.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
and i totally LOLd at the Johnny Depp pic.

A girl can dream!!!

Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
Lovely pictures alibi~

But wait a second.. You see that lady in the orange shirt in the background? Is it just my computer or did her head shrink to the size of a peanut?

I hadn't even noticed... but when I looked back at the picture and saw it I laughed so hard!!!

Great pics everyone! Such lovely couples!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
Lovely pictures alibi~

But wait a second.. You see that lady in the orange shirt in the background? Is it just my computer or did her head shrink to the size of a peanut?

That's fucking hilarious!!! I seriously laughed out loud.


Well-known member
LOOL thats because of the mirror we were making photo with - she looks like a zombie hahhaa