Pictures of your Family or your kiddies =)


Well-known member
Okay Gals we have a thread for you and your sig others and I've enjoyed that one a lot.... lets go for your families or just your kiddies =) I love pictures of cute children =)




This is my little one with my Mom it's the newest picture of him.


Well-known member
They are soo Cute =) . I can't believe she keeps that bow in her hair. Most little girls rip em out as soon as they go it =).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
They are soo Cute =) . I can't believe she keeps that bow in her hair. Most little girls rip em out as soon as they go it =).

thanks! I love the cowboy pic of your little one! So cute! She does usually...its a headband so it helps but she never keeps her hair cute for longer than 10 minutes.......and she hates dresses and skirts... I think I put them on her too much as a baby


Active member

This is Chloe on her first birthday.

This is Emily, my 2 year old. (My brother put that hat on her)

And here's Hailey, my 3 year old.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by leslie
This is Emily, my 2 year old. (My brother put that hat on her)

And here's Hailey, my 3 year old.

wow... they are so close together and at first i thought they were the same little girl lol. Thats how i wanted my kids like one right after the other. But that has to be a lot of work for you. They are dolls though so i'm sire its worth it


Well-known member
OMG, GlossyAbby! I've never heard of an actual kid named Britain before. That's what I've been planning to name my daughter since I was a little girl since it's a derivative of my name! haha! Awesome!

And cute cute kids!


Active member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
wow... they are so close together and at first i thought they were the same little girl lol. Thats how i wanted my kids like one right after the other. But that has to be a lot of work for you. They are dolls though so i'm sire its worth it

The one year old is a whole lot of work just by herself. She's more crazier then the other two. They are close, and of course, they, being girls they have their little fights too. But it is all worth it. It's a lot of fun.


Well-known member
this is my daughter right after an Avril Lavigne concert this spring:


and my son... the one and only time he let me give him a faux mohawk:



Well-known member
Perseph .... Your children are so cute =). I bet your daughter had fun at the concert... I bet you were the coolest mom ever for taking her .... and you son is a doll... I think the mohawk is cute lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
Perseph .... Your children are so cute =). I bet your daughter had fun at the concert... I bet you were the coolest mom ever for taking her .... and you son is a doll... I think the mohawk is cute lol.

thank you


Well-known member
Don't you all feel a lil' apprehensive about posting pics of your children up on the net for the world to see?


Well-known member
Here is a pic of my niece and me at my wedding:

My niece and my nephew (about 4-5 months ago):

A pic of my nephew around 1 year:


Well-known member
Ok, I'm one of those happy ass aunts that loves to take pictures of my nephew. Here are a bunch of random pictures of my beloved only nephew, Mason. He will be 2 in September.

This was on his 1st birthday last year at his party with my brother, Eric:

Mason & I sometime last September:

Helping wash the car last week:

Last week, on the tractor:


Well-known member

mylee last halloween when we first moved to NY, which explains the air bed lol. she was 9 months here. she's 18 months now. no recent pics of her on photobucket though.


mylee again


mylee kissing her new sister, cara.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kaexbabey
mylee kissing her new sister, cara.

Congrads on your new little one =)


Well-known member
Great post! Everyone has such beautiful children

GlossyAbby+Brittni, i saw you guys talking about the name Britain & was so suprised that other people were actually named that! Thats my middle name! Mines spelled Britton. It was my great-grandfather last name. I hated it growing up cause it was just so different & i was always so embarrased to tell anyone. Well, my best friends sister always loved it & said she'd name her 1st little girl after me & thats what she did! She spells it Brytan though... Over the years i have grown to like it but still never actually thought there were other Brittons in the world besides us, lol!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Blushbaby
Don't you all feel a lil' apprehensive about posting pics of your children up on the net for the world to see?

no. i don't keep them locked in the house either
what i mean by that is people, strangers, see them on the street every day. it's not much different than seeing them online is it. there are potential crazies everywhere, not just on the net.

the photos i post aren't of my kids naked or in poses that could be taken in a sexual manner. and i don't post their full names. etc.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by persephonewillo
no. i don't keep them locked in the house either
what i mean by that is people, strangers, see them on the street every day. it's not much different than seeing them online is it. there are potential crazies everywhere, not just on the net.

the photos i post aren't of my kids naked or in poses that could be taken in a sexual manner. and i don't post their full names. etc.

Yeah I guess. I just think about the sick amongst us who'd go as far as copying your kids pics to their home PC's/laptops for lawd knows what.

You've all got cute kids btw


Well-known member
daaamn everyone is soo cute. Kids are a real blessing. Im so happy to see these fotos. Thank you so much for sharing.