Pigment in Deep Blue Green


First off, I just want to say that this is my first posting on Specktra. Very excited to have heard about this site! I am so glad that, as a beauty junkie, I am not alone!

Second, I also have to say that reading all of your product recommendations has totally inspired me to buy more MAC prodcuts. I've been to the MAC counter twice this week! I bought the Sundressing Irridescent Powder that is perfect as a summer blush on my NC20 skin.

But what I really wanna talk about is my last purchase: Pigment in Deep Blue Green (a Pro product that I purchased at a pro shop in NYC). It is an amazing black-blue color (less green than I expected). I use it as a very thick liner on top of a base of Shadestick in Sharkskin. To turn it into a liner that stays put, I use Paula Dorf Transformer (one drop of the liquid turns any powder into a liner). I then fill out the lid with a light wash of Nars in Night Porter or Night Clubbing, and use a light pink highlight powder on the browbone. The result is a sultry eye that was less harsh than my usual straight-up Night Clubbing black. In fact, my b-friend even said my eyes looked sexy -- this from a man who doesn't know the difference between a smoky eye and a black eye....

Anyway, thanks for all the recs! Will be on the lookout for more of your great tips.