pigmentation of c-shock lipgelees


Well-known member
can anyone tell me if these actually have pigment? Or are they super sheer? I have cellopink lipgelee and it is so gorgeous in the tube and is nearly clear on me and don't want to waste my money again! Thanks in advance!


Well-known member
It all depends on the pigmentation of your lips. It sounds like yours are pigmented like mine. I hate it cuz all the pretty light lipglosses completely disappear. When I first saw Sugar Shock in the tube it appeared almost blood red but more pink thats how pigmented it is. Its still pretty dark when you put it on. Sugar Shock & Lil' Sizzler were the only one I put on my lips. Lil' Sizzler gave a lil bit of color. I did test them all on my hand tho. Sugar Shock has the most pigment of them all. She Boom! is a bit sheerer than Sugar Shock. Mega is pretty frosty as Lil' Sizzler, probably with give a hint of color. HTH


Well-known member
correction.. so yesterday I wore Sugar Shock for the first time after testing it at the counter. When I tested it at the counter there must've been residue cuz it seemed darker then. It hardly showed up on my lips today when I tried it on. However,She Boom! shows up nicely.


Well-known member
Anyone who has the lipgelees from the Lightful Colour collection, can you compare the ones from C-Shock to that collection? They look awfully similar to me in pictures.


Well-known member
I have Ambient and Flattery from the Lightful Colour Collection as well as Mega and Lil' Sizzler from C-Shock. They are extremely similar with only slight to minor differences. To me, Mega and Lil' Sizzler are "creamier" while Ambient and Flattery are frosty, but not obnoxiously frosty that looks as if your lips were dipped in white glitter. It's hard to explain -- you really should just compare in person, if you can. I love all four of them and on my lips they all look different to their "counterparts."

My lips are not super pigmented and pretty much every colour I have ever used shows up on me (a blessing and a curse) -- and I, myself, am not a big lipstick fan and I find lipglasses/lustreglasses a bit too sticky and tacky for my tastes (though I own a few of each), so lipgelees are perfect for me.

Honestly, if you have Ambient and Flattery or Mega and Lil' Sizzler you truly don't need their "comparisons" but it truly depends on the pigmentation of your lips and the amount of colour desired, to be completely honest.


Well-known member
thanks lipshock that was very helpful! ive recently gotten Ambient Lipgelee and i absolutely love it. it shows up a soft, shimmery peach on my unpigmented lips so i wasnt sure if i could warrant buying Lil Sizzler. C-Shock doesnt come out in Australia for quite a while so i cant go see the shades in person but your post has been very useful and i think i'll give Lil Sizzler a miss for now considering i have no colour issues with Ambient


Well-known member
mezzamy -- You should totally check out Lil' Sizzler. I think I love it more than Ambient, but I still love Ambient lipgelee. It's such a gorgeous coral colour. Wearing it alone, my lips definitely look like like a slick, shiny peach (at a loss for other descriptions, lol). Wearing it over a lipstick of the same colour (i.e. Curtsy) or a pinkish/nude lipstick (i.e. Viva Glam V or the other hundreds that MAC makes) and it's absolutely gorgeous. I really like it.

Definitely check it out when C-Shock comes to Australia. If you like Ambient, I have a feeling you'll like Lil' Sizzler and you might even want to have buy it -- kind of like a dupe (but not really) of Ambient, if and when you run out.