Pigments and Eyeshadow question


Well-known member
I was wondering how long do eyeshadows usually last in pan form? I'm sure usage plays a very big part in this answer.

Also, are pigment colors exclusive to pigments and eyeshadow to eyeshadows or do they make the same colors in both forms ? Hope that make sense.

I hope this is in the right place.



Well-known member
How long it lasts really depends on how much you use. Considering the array of colors, many people find that their shadows last quite some time.
The colors are usually high enough quality so you don't have to use a pound and a half like you do of cheaper colors.

As far as pigments, there are comparable colors between shadows and pigments, but not the same colors exactly.


Active member
I typically find eyeshadows last me a year or more, even with heavy usage, there are some that I don't think I will ever use up entirely due to the array of colours, as Shimmer says...

As for Pigments there are a few similar to eyeshadow colours but they are not quite the same.. I've listed a few rough comparisons I can think of..

Chrome Yellow Eyeshadow - Primary Yellow Pigment
Club Eyeshadow - Blue Brown Pigment
Black Tied Eyeshadow - Dark Soul Pigment
Freshwater Eyeshadow - RR Blue Pigment


Well-known member
Shimmer - Thank you for the information


Well-known member
princessOfpOi - Thanks for the comparison. I kinda figured some will last a lot longer than other, based on what is used the most.


Well-known member
here are some others that I think are pretty similar

pink opal - seedy pearl e/s
coco - satin taupe e/s
teal - waternymph e/s
goldenaire - naked lunch or jest
chartreuse - lucky green (kind of)
pinked mauve - hepcat