Pink Pearl Pigment In Action!


Well-known member
Aloha lovelies!

I just recently welcomed one of my first pigments to my collection, Pink Pearl, and was at the mirror wondering how on earth I was going to wear it. Alas, I put together the following look and even wore it to my first ever MAC Technique Class, as shown in the last two photos.

I know the practice run of the look in which I'm wearing the yellow tank doesn't match my makeup at all, but I like to think that at home, it doesn't matter, lol

Happy Wednesday everybody!

Mrs. Lynne

Monistat Chafing Relief Powder-Gel
Studio Finish Concealer NW35 (224)
Buff'd Caramel (182)
Secret Blush Beauty Powder Blush (169)
Shadester/Lightsweep Sculpt & Shape Powder (169, 129)

STILA Brow Set (266)

Frisco Rose p/p with moisturizer (lid - 252)
Frisco e/s (highlight - 217)
Moon's Reflection e/s (entire lid, middle lower lashline - 239, 219)
Pink Pearl Pigment (inner lid, inner lower lashline - 239, 217, 219)
Hepcat e/s (outer lid, crease - 239, 217)
Signed, Sealed e/s (outer V, outer lower lashline - 217, 219)
Carbon e/s (outer V - 219)
Blacktrack f/l (upper lashline - 208)
Graphblack Technakohl (waterline)
Prep & Prime Lash & Covergirl Lash Blast

NYX Pandora & Galaxy

*click to enlarge photos*

You can hardly tell in the photos, but I used Secret Blush Beauty Powder Blush lightly just to add minor flush.

The same look using NYX #117 lashes and only NYX Pandora on the lips, no Galaxy.



Well-known member
omg pink pearl was my first piglet too! though i havent been able to do it justice... until now!!! i love it im gunna go try this out right now. BEAUTIFUL!