Planning a NY trip - hotel recommendations?


Well-known member
Hi all!

Since I spend a lot of my cash on makeup
I was hoping people could suggest an affordable and somewhat decent hotel for my NY trip at the end of the year... hopefully something within 20 minutes of the city centre?



Well-known member
The last hotel I stayed at was way too pricey (and disappointing - they tried way too hard to be hip - it was just weird), so I'll keep my mouth shut on that one, but let me ask DH. He is in NY more than me.


Well-known member
When I go to NY I love to go to Lyndhurst, a suburd about 15 min by car. The Quality Inn is comfortable, not too pricy and you get breakfast for free and the restaurant is good. There's a pool over there also.

Many bus lines just on the corner

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
I stayed at Park Central last year, (it's on 57th street i think) and just straight down the road in view is Times Square, it's a really nice hotel and only about 10 mins walk (or less) to Times Square.

Another place is Best Western Presidence, that's literally in Times Square which is also a great location


Well-known member
My advice to you is to NOT stay in the Hotel Pennsylvania. It's across from Madison Square Garder, and the lobby is deceptively beautiful. I went there on a band trip two years ago, and was digusted by the conditions of the rooms. There were a hundred of us staying there, and we all had horror stories. Pubic hair in the bathtubs, stains on the sheets, toenails on the floor..Oh, it was so bad, the rooms are tiny and the mini-fridges smell like rotting corpses..BLUCH.

We're going again this year, and not staying overnight in NYC at all, we're going to a hotel in New Jersey. Only hitting the Empire States Building, seeing Broadway (Phantom of the Opera) and doing three hours of shopping and a bus tour. Same things we did when I was in grade ten, but I'm so excited anyway. We live in a month! You'll love New York, it's so fast paced and exciting!