~***Playing With Colors***~


You're one of the best MUA I've seen so far here. The whole make-up is so so nice!
If you don't mind me asking, did you photoshop your face? If so, can you let me know what blur did you use? If not, what camera are you using? Thanks!


Well-known member
SEXY! GORGEOUS! HOT! You are very pretty and this look is the bizness. Agree with everyone else a tut would be lovely.


Well-known member
Oh my gosh, you look like a goddess in this look! You rock this look. I would look like *%&%@ with this, but you look fantastic. Myth l/s looks great on you! Thanks for sharing. (And congrats on starting school.)


Active member
wow. That is very pretty and you are just so gorgeous! You should be a beauty/hair model! Seriously.


Well-known member
This is gorgeous. Great brows, great blending. I mean this is really talented makeup. Best I've seen on specktra so far! ;0)


Well-known member
PS I would love to see a tut or more pictures or more details about how you created this look! It's stunning! I keep coming back to it! Please please make a tut! :0)