Please be careful when declaring items to be fake


Well-known member
Yes, there are a lot of people selling fakes on eBay and other auction sites but that doesn't mean that all are.

We need to be suspicious but I think it's sometimes easy to be too suspicious. That's why I personally won't declare an item to be fake unless I have enough evidence to be sure it is.

If it could simply be a limited edition product I'm not familiar with I won't say it's a fake. That's why I didn't say anything on the thread "MAC" Lip palette - very suspicious-looking?. I thought it looked like it could be a genuine product but wasn't sure so I said nothing either way. I was waiting for someone who knew for certain to post and ledonatella very kindly did that. Before she posted I did however check the seller's feedback and looked at every single item they'd sold and couldn't see any indication they were selling fake items.

They had previously sold two genuine M·A·C products MAC Eyelashes and MAC Studio Tech Foundation NC20

We now have confirmation in this case that the product is absolutely genuine.

M·A·C packaging has changed a lot over the years. Early shadows came in two sizes and screw top containers. Even some foundations came in screw top compact containers. I've seen people declare these to be fake simply because they've not been using M·A·C long enough to know that there were ever screw top containers or large shadows. I have a 145 brush and a 17 brush. They've been renumbered since then. The 145 is a 180 and the 17 is a 316. If I put photographs up of them I'm sure some would say "they're fake because they've got the wrong number". Not so.

We have to be very careful declaring things to be fakes when they are not and potentially damaging the reputation of a totally honest seller. It's better to say "I'm not sure" than say "Yes it's a fake" when it isn't. If I'm not sure myself about a product I'll do as much research as I can to try and find out for sure. If I still can't be sure I'll wait until someone who does know for sure posts.

Please remember that the vast majority of sellers are honest.

