Please help me to recreate this look!


Well-known member
Hey everyone!

I'm lovin Kim K.'s look in these pictures, it's such a glowy, youthful look without lookin like she has tons of make-up on. I'd love to know what products (by MAC) you think would give a similar look? I'm thankful for any recs on eyes, lips, cheeks.. basically anything =)

Thanks in advance!


Well-known member
i can't see the picture but you should check her blog she usually lists her make up or the artist that does her make up plus i noticed that she often works with mario dedivanovic and he has a blog too.i hope i was helpful.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HoneyDip
I'm sorry, the link didn't work but I uploaded the picture now =)

That's a gorgeous look on her. She plays up her eyes with the smokey look and slightly nude lips. Try using these colors...

- Painterly paint pot all over eye up to crease
- Vanilla/Vapour in the brow bone for highlight
- pat Kid/Malt all over lid
- apply Knight Divine or Smoke & Diamonds into crease and blend into mid lid
- take Carbon and deposit into crease on top of Knight Divine or Smoke & Diamonds and blend slightly into upper crease (Or take Feline eye kohl and smudge onto lower outer corner lid and up towards crease)
- take Knight Divine and apply to lower lid using 219 brush
- apply shroom into corner lids to highlight and attract light
- apply Blacktrack fluidline to upper lid
- apply your favorite volumizing mascara or apply fake lashes like her for a more va-va-voom look

- Nars Orgasm/Deep Throat
- Apply Shell Pearl on top to highlight

- Chanel Naive Rouge Allure first
- Cremesheen Just Superb on top

Good luck! Hope this works out for you =)