Please tell me I am not crazy ...


Well-known member
I am back.... and I think I am crazy

I don't know about you, but the reason why I was not using some of my products more often is because I could not find them when I needed them... so I decided to organize everything in my drawers...
...but, still, I could not find "the" blush I wanted "that" day or "the" quad I was looking for, if I need to spend a lot of time checking the compacts, then I won't have enough time to do my makeup

Two solutions :
1) I get rid of most of my makeup...
2) I find a quick way to identify what is inside...

1) Not possible, I am too addicted...
2) I have labelled the compacts (Chanel, Mac, etc) the blushes (Illamasqua, Lancome, etc) and the palettes (Unii, Z palettes, etc)
So far, it works and I can now give some more love to the other items I was not "seeing"...

I know there are more addicts out there, so how do you manage ? do you have more ideas ? (apart from downsizing...)

I wanted to share with you because I need someone to tell me that I am not the only one with this problem...
Thanks for sharing your thoughts or ideas...

PS : please do not think it is to "show off" or anything, you are the only ones I can share this with, I am happy of this label idea but maybe it is a bit crazy and I have to get help

I just got these brush holders in London last week, actually you cannot really see I am afraid, but they are very useful, I have put them on top of a "modified" photo frame so that they are easy to reach for.



Well-known member
These pictures are great and I love your idea of labeling the products! That is smart, not crazy! Because...

1. I won't downsize and I, too, am addicted.
2. Organization is very helpful so any tips are worthy!
3. You will probably buy even more, so best get it organized now so you won't feel guilty and overwhelmed in the future!
4. Now you can use stuff!

I am pretty familiar with my collection, but labels would be helpful! Where do you get a label maker? I also have good memory and an organized collection, so as long as I put things back in the same place, I am okay. For example, 1st drawer, 1st row, 6th blush up is Illamasque Cream Blush, and so forth. So if I can't identify something by eye, I identify it by memorizing its place!


Well-known member
thank you ElvenEyes... it is so nice of you to support me ... if only we could meet and play with each other's makeup !!

that would be great fun !!! I love your organization and your collection too !

you are right ! memorizing its place does help a lot as well !
the label maker I got it in a discount computer store, I took the cheapest one... I attach a picture so that you can see what it looks like but they can be slightly different...



walmart also sells label makers for like $10 in its office supply section. I imagine target, staples, etc will as well!
otherwise craft stores usually have them near the scrapbooking section. =)

I love your organization! I would if I had the time... and hopefully I don't ever accumulate that many products (you guys are amazing!)


Well-known member
I should start to think about doing this! I love the MAC packaging, but it can make distinguishing products really hard!


Well-known member
this is very good idea, you did a fine job, and no, you are not crazy :) btw. It's beautiful stash that you got... and the reverse frame for the brushes :top:
I would never came to that idea :) nice work :))


Well-known member
I like your organization! I hope one day I have such a pretty and big collection like you and I will have hard times finding what I'll be looking for...


Well-known member
I have quite a sizeable collection, too. I always keep the boxes, so what I do is store my eyeshadows, blushes, lipsticks etc in boxes and drawers with the name facing upwards, and in alphabetical order. The only exception to this is my Venomous Villains collection, which I keep separately. The shadows and blushes in my MAC palettes are arranged mostly in colour order, but I haven't yet gotten around to making labels for the inside of the lids to identify them by name quickly.

I know keeping them in their boxes means I have to take them out of their boxes each time to use them, but at least I can find what I want more easily.

princess sarah

Well-known member
Far from crazy and downsizing is never an option. I like what you have down with your compacts and setting everything up in your draws


Well-known member
Great photos. What do you use to keep the round items in the second photo (I think they might be blush or large shadows?) standing up?


Well-known member
I love the idea of labeling palettes! I sort of feel like I should do that with some of mine, especially the one that all look the same from a quick glance *cough* Dior quints *cough*. But I'm squeamish about 'defacing' the palettes.

You have such a lovely and organized collection. =)


Well-known member
I love your set up! You have some things you can easily reach for and others in drawers with the items clearly marked for easy access. With a collection like yours, you can't have everything displayed, so the way you have them organized in the drawer makes perfect sense. Don't downsize! You have a lot of great items =)