plz read this =(


Well-known member
Ok some of you make think Im vain but this is actually getting me down.
Everybody keeps pointing out how pale i look and people i dont know ask if i feel ill. I recently dyed my hair black which i know wouldnt of helped so loads of people ask if im a goth, which im not.

I don't know what is best to do/get? fake tan or bronzer or...?
I have a alot of questions cause I'm a bit ignorant about this stuff but im only 16 soo thats my excuse. so if anybody could answer any of them it would be much appreciated!

I have used fake tan before which turned out ok,I don't want to be orange,I would rather not use tanning beds because of the skin damage and I tend to get freckles on my face instead of tan.
here goes:
I wear liquid foundation which is very pale to match my complexion if i used fake tan would i need to get a darker foundation?
Is it better to use fake tan on my body and bronzer on my face or would that make it just uneven?
Or do i just use fake tan everywhere?
if not then how do i get a bronzer that will match my sort of skin tone?
Anybody know any good products??
An helpful tips?
I've seen some people get like bronzing liquid which can wash off would that be useful?
I tried one of them before and it look like i smudged mud on my face.

I was thinking if i put fake tan everywhere then put on my normal foundation which would make it lighter? then use bronzer or would that not work cause foundation needs to match the skin?

ohh and do u put fake tan everywhere like your arm pits and your nipples n stuff because one of my friends said it made her nipples a funny colour lol

sorry that was long!!


Well-known member
fake tan cant ever get it even, half the time you look orange or uneven, and its terrible for your skin

i got the same ridicule when i was your age..actually probably from 14-18
but now everyone tells me they wish they had my skin even only a couple years after and they had their nasty rubbery skinned selves lol
your made me feel reallly self conscious too but i said f them and stayed pale and now i couldnt be happier with my choice


Well-known member
if you want to try a tanner and not a bed i suggest the mystic tan - i dunno where your from but if you call a few tanning places in your area at least one should have it. personally i think it gives you the best color out of any spray tan.. but it doesnt last long and might be a lil bit expensive (i worked at a tanning salon lol)


Well-known member
i've seen pics in FOTD of pale girls w/ dark hair. I'd try just using blush or a light shimmer bronzer.

What ever you do, Step away from the mystic tan/fake & bake, the oompa loompa look is not more flattering than having others think you look "ill"


Well-known member
I would just go with a light dusting of Bronzing powder. And screw what people think! Look how you want to look!


Well-known member
One word BRONZER! It washes off if you screw it up and you can always try again. I am super pale too, but I wouldn't mess with the fake tan stuff. Does anyone remember that girl from the Idol auditions? It was bad. I also just dyed my hair dark dark violet so I have the goth thing going on unintentionally, but bronzer works wonders. I use a light pink blush first to add warmth, and then use the bronzer. I just picked up a super cheap Jane bronzer in #10 (I think it's called mojave) and it works really well. Just mess around with it and you'll get the hang of it. Trust me, when you are my age, you'll be thankful you stayed out of the sun and have no wrinkles.


Well-known member
lighten your hair, the black brings out your paleness! be proud to be pale, at least when your 30 and all those sun godesses are all wrinkled up because of the sun and youll be wrinkle free!!

dye your hair a light auberny brown

use bronzer or blush on your cheeks and where the sun would hit your face naturally, so it makes you look more lively and not so gothic, use colored lip gloss like a lip stain w/ lip gloss.

it will make a huge diffrence, dont mess with that self tanner stuff, it just gets your hands orange.


Well-known member
You have the exact opposite problem as me!...I am super light(NC15) with black hair and I am always trying to get paler! know, that alabaster white china doll look...I'm even ordering studiofix pastel in shivering white from the pro store to dust over my reg. studiofix to get lighter...i don't like the tanned look so a pic...i want to see...I bet you look just fine...don't listen to everyone else's opinion unless it's the same as yours when it comes to your "look" hon...I bet your beautiful without tanning crap all over your skin...but if you feel self consious about it, I think the way to go would be to lighten your hair instead of darkening your skin...unnatural dark skin looks fake to me, but that's just my "opinion" so take it as just that.


Active member
I know just how you feel, I went through the same thing. The best thing I ever did was to come to terms with my paleness (is that a word?) By working with it instead of against it I am now receiving a lot more compliments and feeling a lot better about myself. To add a little bit of glow to your face so that you don't get comments about looking ill, I recommend the Jane bronzers, I have Tahiti and love it.


Well-known member
I'm super pale too, and when I was your age I was awfully conscious about it. I still am sometimes, because alot of people don't seem to "get" the pale is beautiful thing. The best thing I ever did was discover blush, when I was young I could never understand it but I never go out without some sort of blusher or light bronzer on my cheeks, it completely transforms the face and gives the palest of complexions a healthy glow!

I wouldn't go for the fake tan idea, it usually ends up looking silly on pale skins, I should know I used to St. Tropez, never again!


Well-known member
I gotta tell you, I've always wanted to be that perfectly pale. I know it's hard, since everyone still seems to equate bronzed with sexy and healthy, but pale pale skin is just so lovely. Embrace it!

1) Get the black lifted out. It can look very very severe. If you like dark hair, try a deep brown, maybe with some auburn highlights. It will give you that Snow White look without going into Goth territory. If you want to go lighter, look at the undertone in your skin - if it look more creamy gold, try strawberry blond or a light auburn-brown, it will enliven your skin and make it look warmer and creamier. If your skin tone is more pink and cool, try a pale brown or shimmery blond, you'll look classic, soft and pretty - very English Rose. (Ever see Mean Girls? The dumb chick - can't recall her name right now - had that sort of coloring. Very pale alabaster skin and shimmery blond hair.)

2) Play with blush and lip gloss, keep the colors soft and translucent, but don't be afraid of color. There's nothing prettier than pale creamy skin delicately flushed on the cheeks and rosy lips.

3) Forget the self-tanner. It will look fake, and coordinating with foundation and such will be a lot of effort, especially if you already build up a base kit for your natural coloring. If you're determined to look more bronzed for summer, try the lightest bronzer you can find and dust it lightly on - the key is not to go 'darker' but to give you an extra kick of warmth and glow. There are also body creams (Jergens?) that will subtly darken your skin over time, but again, you have to apply them very evenly, which is difficult.


Well-known member
If you are interested in sunless tanning, I'd really recommend reading the articles on this site first:

It helped me get through my first experiences with sunless tanning a lot easier than it would've before!
I did decide that real tanning and sunless tanning aren't for me no matter how pale I am, if i get a sunless tan it fades, if I get a real tan, I burn, I tan, and then it fades..either way hasn't been worth it for me..It's probably pretty upsetting at your age to have people commenting on your skin, so you might want to try it out for awhile (it is fun in the short run!) but just work with what you have and you'll have everyone jealous of your beautiful tone


Well-known member
That's the plight of a lot of my friends.. and I remember in high school it drove my one particular friend INSANE. She tried to do the whole tanning thing (bake in a box and all types of self tanners) and she only ended up w/ a lot of freckles and a lot of orange streaks. Eventually she just said 'screw this' to tanning, and just learned to accept the fact that she's pale. In fact, she loves it. Also... being pale is a LOT better than being overly tanned orange... it's just gross.

Bronzer is the way to go. Although, you definately want to find a sheer bronzer. Even they can make people look orange/dirty. You could use the powder you have now, just a shade or two darker. That way it is easier to get a subtle/natural tan.


Well-known member
I'm pale, and my hair is naturally dark. I use a very light dusting of NARS Laguna bronzer, warm-colored blushes, and then something slightly glowy over it (like an MSF or a shimmery blush). That's all. I still look light, but healthy.

You can look healthy and pale. You've just gotta figure out how to make it work for you. More than once I considered a fake tan, but realized that this is just how I am. Instead of subjecting my skin to harsh tanning products, or even harsher UV rays, I just concentrated on finding out how to make my paleness work for me.

And you know, it's better this way, because like someone else said, now people keep saying they wish they had skin like mine! A MAC artist even said that he loved my fair skin, because it meant I can wear almost any color well.


Well-known member
im pale and have lightish brown hair but its dyed nearly black now. i stay away from bronzer its just not me i just use normal foundation (nw20) then use dollymix blush and then dust benefit dandelion all over and it makes me look healthy and fresh and pinky without having a bronzed face and pale body hah


Well-known member
Pale and loving it here. When I was a teenager with a mother who refused (and couldn't afford to let me tan) - I hated my paleness.... My tan all comes from the sun in the summer now. Bronzer I use BE warmth on my cheekbones and forehead and sometimes I use shimpagne. If I had black hair and white skin- I'd go for the red lipstick look and the classic glam look. I"ve also discovered using peaches and warm colors really help me not look so "dead."

I also really enjoy seeing people I went to HS with who are 28-29 looking like leather saddlebags- still with their sunbed tans that look very old for their age - mid to late 30s vs. 20s. When I (the formerly mistreated teen who wasn't allowed to tan) -still can pass as a teen if I try. LOL! It might take you a decade to appreciate not tanning- but you will.

The ladies I work with are in their 40s-50s who go to tan at lunch- One day I'm going to go get me a fake tan and come to work bronzer than they are in one day. <g> I also hate that overtanned fake tan look with the dyed blonde hair with black roots (and "natural" makeup).

Good Luck- have fun with mac it will help.