post-manicure nail woes


Well-known member
so i treated myself to a manicure last week (mostly because i needed my cuticles properly pushed back and trimmed.. haha) im also trying to stop biting my nails, and the only thing that stops me chewing on them is having some sort of nail polish on them.

since i got that mani, 4 of my nails have broken (another one is starting to split now, im trying to save it), and several others have visible scratch marks from the "buffing" done to them... so i think they may split soon too. i'm so upset because my nails were fine before i got this mani, i've been growing them for weeks.

does anyone have any tips or hints to help me get my nails back to a decent condition? I'm doing a round of treatment with nail envy at the moment, but any other things i should be taking heed of (or info on how to rescue a splitting nail) would be greatly appreciated. i want pretty nails!


Well-known member
Grab some vitamins; Blackmores does a good hair/skin/nails combo. Up your calcium and zinc intake. Use a nail and cutible strengthening cream/oil religiously and always keep a coat of strengthening polish on your nails. I usually remove and reapply every 3 or 4 days. You can try Manicare fibreglass nail wraps to save the nail (instructions are with the wraps) or bite the dust and 1. acrylic it (which I do not recommend) or 2. let it grow out as much as possible, file down the snags and then cut/file away...

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