Prayers and well-wishes for my father-in-law please...


Well-known member
My father-in-law is 73. Probably the nicest and hardest working man I've ever met. An overall great person. It's definitely my treat for getting to spend the time with him that I have.

To the point... Yesterday my MIL calls me and asks what she should do. He was having abdominal pains but not terribly severe. Didn't want to get out of bed. When he did try, he couldn't catch his balance and pulled his nightstand over on himself. I head over to their house with my husband. Took his temp (which was 103 degrees.) At this point I'm scared to death. He's already immunocompromised because of a blood disorder and has already had a horrible bout of cryptococcyl pneumonia that we didn't think he'd survive (he's a fighter!) We FINALLY convince his stubborn butt to go to the ER. His blood pressure was 60/40 when we arrived, which explained why he couldn't stand up on his own. They stabilize his blood pressure finally and get to performing tests. At about 7pm, the doc comes in and tells us he has a perforated colon which we caught early enough... He's going to need emergency surgery to remove about 10 inches of ruptured tissue. He ended up having to wait another 4 hours for bloodwork to come back since he's on blood thinners.

At 11pm they perform the surgery. 2am they're finally finished and he's done remarkably well for his age and his various medical conditions. He was place in ICU and we were told he'd be there for a few days. Well, this morning he's done so well that he's in his own room on a regular floor. We're just amazed. He's nowhere near out of the woods yet and we can use all of your prayers and well-wishes. He's a very strong man and we don't want to lose him for a good, long while.

Sorry for the length and thank your for putting up with my rambling thoughts.


Well-known member
I'll pray for him, it's remarkable that he's done so well! Part of it is because of all the people who love him being around him!


Well-known member
Well-wishes are on their way!

I'm so sorry to hear about your father-in-law... However, he sounds like a fighter!

Best wishes to all of you!


Well-known member
i'm so sorry your family are going trhough such a stressful time. your father in law must be a very strong man because everything that is thrown his way he is trying beat. i hope he recovers well from the sugery.


Well-known member
Aw I'm sorry o hear about you FIL but like you said he is a fighter And God is not talking him from you anything soon. Your family will be in my prays. Continue to be there for him sometimes that's the best medication family and love. Keep us post on his health. I hope he is blessed to go home soon.


Well-known member
Thank you guys. Yes he's a fighter. But yesterday they had to move him back to ICU since he was in severe pain and running another 103F temp. We were expecting another fever but damn... They had him out of ICU within 12 hours of his surgery and then put him in a semi-private room and I to just bitch them out for that. Plus they tried having him walk around too much and tried to introduce solid food into his system 24 hours after the surgery. HELL no. And they wondered why he started vomiting (duh nurses and random hospitalist he has absolutely NO GI motility. His surgeon came to check in and saw the state he was in and absolute NO nurses in the nurse's station and freaked out. Go figure this is my old hospital and I knew if they moved him out he was going to receive shitty care. I honestly can't stand any of them in that particular unit. He's been confused (he didn't even recognize my husband) and thinking there were complications from the surgery.

Today he's MUCH better considering how bad he looked yesterday. He's lucid and not in extreme pain. It's going to be a rough year... He doesn't deserve this.

LOL but on a lighter note... My husband's side of the family may just be immortal. Grandma just turned 97 and earlier this year fell and broke her hip and fractured a couple of vertibrae in her back. That was in January and now she's up and walking around and bitching at nurses again

If that woman can do that then there's no doubt in my mind he can pull through this one....


Well-known member
I hope he has a speedy recovery. I will keep him in my thoughts. At least he agreed to going to the ER and they were able to operate... my grandfather is so stubborn it's almost impossible to get him to agree to medical care.

I think it's interesting that people can be in almost the same condition with the same background and one person can survive it and the other can't. I think it really has to do with love, support, and will. He sounds like he's a fighter and has a lot of people who care for him.


Well-known member
i'm sorry that he isn't getting teh best care at the hospital. but at least he is doing much better today - he's a fighter and i'm sure will keep ploughing through this


Well-known member
Twelve days later and they let him have a popsicle! WOO! I couldn't imagine not being allowed to eat. Yeah, I know he's on IV nutrition but just the thought of not going through the motions of it seems horrible. He's out of ICU and back in a private room. Getting better slowly but surely. He'll probably spend a couple of weeks at a sports medicine rehab hospital. They specialize in orthopedic issues and considering the hip problems he's had for a while, this seems to be the most logical approach... Thank you everyone!


Well-known member
Aww, Happy Belated Birthday to Grandma!

Your FIL is definitely a fighter. It sounds like you guys are all soo close which only means a speedier recovery.

Best wishes!


Well-known member
thanks for the update, i am glad things are looking up. i said another prayer for him.