Pro-Longwear Lipcolour...

MAC Melly

Well-known member
I'm thinking about buying one of the longwear lipcolours for my wedding in June... has anybody had any good or bad reviews on this product? I normally wear pink poodle in lipglass and love nectar in lustreglass on top of that.. so I will try to find a similar color in the longwear. The longwear is kind of expensive for something that I'm going to be wearing once....but since we're having a wedding outside on the beach, I don't think I will have time to reapply lipstick for photos after the ceremony. I don't want to be a brat and tell the the groom to just "peck" me on the any advice? thanks in advance.

ooooh..and pics would be GREAT!


Well-known member
Im gonna get beat up for this...

But MAC prolongwear, DOES stay, but the color sometimes balls up and stuff.

If you want something LIKE ProLongWear..but much smoother and easier on the lips. try CHANEL ROUGE DOUBLE INTENSITÉ

There arn't as many colors. and its 10 bucks more. But I love it. Its Chanel and its great quality. You should look into it.

Its so smooth and hydrating too! All the shades however, are pretty universal. So you will be able to use it not ONLY for the wedding, but for everday purposes too!


Well-known member
I agree, ProLongwears are good if you have the time to baby it. It will stay on all day, but if your lips are the slightest bit 'dirty' i.e. you just ate something and then decided to touch up w/ gloss====BAD, gritty feeling lips. So what I do is go to the ladies room, wet a paper towel, gently cleanse my lips (blot) and then apply additional color and gloss. This is definately something that you do not want to be concerned with on your wedding day. I haven't tried Chanel but I trust Onederland's suggestion. Good Luck!!


I have mixed feelings about Longwear. I have Unchanging which is a soft and muted natural pink and Clingpeach, which is a pretty orangy peach. I love the color of Unchanging on me and the way it looks when its fresh, but I have big lips and live in a colder climate and therefore my lips tend to get dry so I feel like it tends to crack or chunk up on my lips. In general, lipstick does not last on my lips so I thought this would be different and though it lasts longer than lipstick, it definitely comes off after eating/drinking. There will still be a ting of the color but it definitely will not be as strong as when I first applied.

I think for one, you have to keep re-applying the gloss or else it will look dry. My friend says she applies chapstick/balm on her lips before she applies longwear but I did that and then the longwear did not stick to my lips as good. I don't know, but if its you're wedding, I'm thinking you want luscious sexy lips, so the best thing to do is to try it on at the counter and see what happens. I'm sure the results are different on different people.

Also, don't get sucked into buying Lancome Juicy Duo's which the Lancome people say is better than longwear. I found it to be very drying and I know a lot of people who agree. Another option, is the lip seal that they sell at Sephora. I have tried that and it works pretty darn good. The only thing is that you cannot apply it over or under lip gloss.


Well-known member
I found them to be extremely drying and the gloss coat was kinda smelly--not in a good way. So not a fan.


Well-known member
I really didn't like the pro longwear formulas. It was really drying and cakey feeling. Like they said earlier, you will need to reapply anyway, for the gloss, so it's better to just use your normal lip color and retouch. I've done beach weddings before, and the bride has always had a minute or two to touch up before the photography.


Well-known member
I think I lick my lips too much, b/c the stuff just balls up and falls off me no matter how many times I reapply my lipgloss. Estee Lauder makes a lip stain and I find that lasts way longer than the pro longwear. I just apply the stain and then put gloss on over it and it lasts great.


Well-known member
I don't like the Pro Longwear at all. The color just doesn't last. I went to a baby shower and I had it on for about 45 minutes..all I did was talk and drink something and the color was peeling off my lips. It looked really horrible. And it feels really dry even with the gloss over it. I would suggest finding something else because I don't think you want to be dealing with this kind of headache on your special day. Sorry I can't suggest something else that's "long lasting" because this was my first and last time using a product like this. Good luck!


Well-known member

These are kinda like a real stain,,.. they are super thin but you can build up the color as much as you wish,.. I have tried them before and I ended up wearing it for 3 days (I wash my face twice a day,..) before it wore off,.. you need a seriously good MU remover to get it off,...thier MU remover is prolly the best to get it off,... this would prolly be good in a wedding situation,... put it on and go, don't even have to pamper it with gloss but you can if you want,....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chelsea
hrm. well. honestly I prefer revlon colorstay overtime sheers.

Same here.


Well-known member
Another non-fan. They balled right up on me. I also don't see the point if you have to reapply the gloss anyway. You may as well be reapplying lipstick.

With so many people that don't like them, it is a wonder they still sell them.


Well-known member
i adore the pro-longwears. the color will not stay if your lips come in contact with something greasy like fries, salad dressing, etc. i don't find the colors to be that drying; but, then again, i adore the retro mattes and most people hate those as well. the people that say the color balls up, i am wondering if they bought their pro longwears earlier on. apparently, mac reformulated the pro longwears to address that issue. i know i have that problem a bit with one of mine (i forget which now), but i don't with the other 4.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by msthrope
i adore the pro-longwears. the color will not stay if your lips come in contact with something greasy like fries, salad dressing, etc. i don't find the colors to be that drying; but, then again, i adore the retro mattes and most people hate those as well. the people that say the color balls up, i am wondering if they bought their pro longwears earlier on. apparently, mac reformulated the pro longwears to address that issue. i know i have that problem a bit with one of mine (i forget which now), but i don't with the other 4.

I heard about MAC reformulating them but the "balling up" still happened to me with both the older version and with one of the newer ones from the Couple Up collection. I didn't really notice much of a difference in the formula. You're lucky you can make the Pro Longwears work for you..I absolutely looove the color of "Plaything" but I hate the formula.


I also love my Pro Longwear. I have one in Clingpeach. Thanks to some helpful people here & on LJ, I learned how to apply it properly before I got it.

(You need to put thin layers of the lipcolour on first & then let it dry for a coupla minutes before applying the gloss coat).

I do find that I reapply the gloss coat a few times a day - but I don't need a mirror to do this because its clear.

The colour really stays on for me - unless I eat something really greasy. Even then, I haven't found that it balled up or peeled off... it just sort of wore a little.

I was really impressed with it - and wasn't expecting to be. It is a little drying, so I tend to be sure to use lipbalm the day after.

Good luck!


Well-known member
Pro Longwear Lipcolours

i just bought Durshell today-i cant resist a great pink lipgloss!
im trying it out as i type
just wanting to know what everyone else thinks of them and what colours you have


Well-known member
I bought Durashell when they were first released and I had to return it. It dried my lips super bad, and it left me weird clumps of the color all over my lips it looked gross. I tried it twice cause I thought maybe I put it on wrong but the MA told me I had to set the color for like 2 mins and then put the clear on, that's what I did the 2nd time and it did the same thing. I was soooooooo mad cause that color was so pretty, sucks it didn't work on me, hopefully it works for you.


Well-known member
i apply a very thin coat of the color, let it dry for a couple minutes, then apply another VERY thin coat of color, let it dry THEN i put a thin coat of the clear top coat! works like a charm! i've never had any problems doing it like this...