Pro Longwear Lustre Lipcolor question


Well-known member
I bought Pro Longwear Lustre Lipcolor in Fully Charged on the weekend. Love the gorgeous pink color, love the sheen, plus it does last on my lips all day as long as I remember not to rub my lips with oily food.
However, it gives me real 'chapped' appearance (doesn't feel dry though), emphasizing all the lines and dips on my lips! MUA suggested that I could wear Lip Conditioner underneath, but then Longwear won't last long that way. Any suggestions? Perhaps using it with lip plump might help?


Well-known member
Fully Charged is a great colour.

If your lips tend to be dry often, it may not be the product for you. With these you have to keep the gloss coat on to avoid a super dry feeling. That said, even with the gloss coat, they feel too dry for some.

Keep you lips exfoliated and moisturized when you are not wearing the pro longwear. If your lips are in good shape prior to applying the pro longwear, that helps.

As far as the lip conditioner prior to applying the pro longwear, I disagree. the pro longwear and longwear lustres were designed to be applied to a "naked" mouth. They need clean skin so that they can properly adhere. Otherwise, you loose out on the long-wearing aspect of it and then you just have lip gloss.



Well-known member
Thanks for that MAC_Whore! It doesn't feel dry though, but just appear super dry. I am determined to make this work! MUA applied Fully Charged on my lips on Sunday and I didn't think it was THAT bright under the store lights. Then I walked around the downtown area and got many stares, mainly from other women! Go figure..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
Thanks for that MAC_Whore! It doesn't feel dry though, but just appear super dry.....

Perhaps if you applied a lighter coat?

Also try smiling slightly at the last stage of application, so it gets into all crevices in the lips.

Good luck


Well-known member
You could try putting lip conditioner on top of the color after you apply it. That will help smooth out the lips. Other than that, try what MAC_Whore said!!


Well-known member
Thanks guys! As MAC_Whore said, I stretched my lips out with the 1st coat (pink bit) and it really helped. Just love this stuff - going to get the back up this weekend, before it disappears!


Well-known member
I wait for the longwears to dry, then apply a Tendertone or other lipbalm throughout the day (alternating with the gloss it comes with so I don't use it all before I get through the actual lipstick side). Tendertones keep my lips looking & feeling juicy
And it doesn't seem to wear the color down underneath any faster.

Also... if you have some time in the morning, right when you start getting ready, apply a thick layer of balm to your lips for about 15 minutes. Wipe off with a warm washcloth & wait about 10 minutes before applying the prolongwear. This softens your lips & gets rid of that flaking dry look/feeling - its a good prep so you have a smooth, soft lip canvas for applying the prolongwear.
