Prom makeup w/gold leafing


Well-known member
This is my friend Cassie's makeup I did for prom. Today was just a practice run, but I love how everything turned out.

I used a lot of things! Too many to remember. Just ask if you want to know though!




Well-known member
I might add some constructive criticism if you dont mind.... i think you should fill in her brows since naturally it really blends with her skintone- there is no line of distinction, also the gold i think it would look much better if it was one solid piece above her eyes or MUCH smaller defined specks right next to her eye. Dont get me wrong, its nice but I think you could change a few things


Well-known member
I like it! I agree with the defined brows - it will make her eyes stand out more - and I think adding some pigments and maybe a gold/brown liquid liner in a curvy leaves/vines pattern would tie the gold leaf together a bit more.


Well-known member
Would have never thought to the the gold leafing. Thats cool!

I too would fill in the brows. Brows can make or break your face and make your makeup look under par. I agree with poster above. But Love the creativity.

Make sure to post final look especially in the prom dress. HEHEH I miss those days. Well sometimes.


Well-known member
you'll definitely want to fill in her brows because if you don't the flash from her pictures will wash them out and it will look very very weird.

i'm not big on the leafing, but i would have to see the style of the dress to determine whether it ties in or not.


Well-known member
I like the gold leafing - I think it's cute and fun
I do agree with the otehrs about her brows though. Do you knwo what lips you are doing with this? Good luck on the actual night!


Well-known member
i think the leafing is hot! i don't think you should change that in any way cos as i see it, it's really pretty!!


Well-known member
thanks for all the tips everyone! I was already planning on filling in her brows but I know exactly what she is going to say.."it's too dark!" *sigh* so I'll see if i can convince her. Also,I already put a lip color on her.. The pink cavana but it doesn't really tie in the makeup I don't think..but she wanted to wear it. *shrugs* Hopefully I can convince her for a more pink lip color and filling in the brows before prom.

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