punk/bright hair color


Well-known member
i want to redye my hair for summer...
as you can see from my picture, i have black hair with blonde highlights that reaches the middle of my back.

im not a 'natural' person at all. i usually do more of a punk thing than others..

what color should i dye it?
i've thought of hot/neon pink (fuchsia), blue and red...
how should i dye it? bottom half? strands?
should i cut my hair or not?

sorry for all the questions d:



Well-known member
I just met a girl who had brown, purple and turquoise blue hair. It looked so great that I might do my hair that way for the summer. I always think bright colours look better on shorter hair, but you look like you have layers to yours. I'd try to colour the layers so you'd have one colour laying on top of the other. Post pics when you do it