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Purple recreation tutorial


Well-known member
Someone on Myspace requested I do a tutorial for this look

So I figured I might as well post it here too! It's not exactly the same, I was hard pressed for time this morning since I had classes at 8:30; so I cut out the false eyelashes and eyeliner. I also used more cheek products and a different lip.

I totally forgot to do a sum up of what I used! Man I always leave out something...Sorry

Face: Prep+Prime Skin, Select SPF 15 foundation, Cubic blush, Orchid Sheen/Roseland blush, Naked You msf, clear Brow Set, NW 5 loose powder
Eyes: Mauvism paint, Shell ccb, Little Minx, Creme de Violet, Leisuretime, Nocturnelle, Grape pigment, Idol Eyes, Dazzlelight, Pro Long Lash mascara
Lips: C-thru

Click to enlarge

Beauty Marked

Well-known member
thank u darling...i love ur style... i love purple bc it brings out my brown eyes...and it matches my favorite marilyn monroe shirt...imma go buy the stuff u used on ur eyes

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
*sings* I love youuuuuuu completely I guess I'm kinda mad about you, I love you, I love you I doooooooooooooo

Awesome tutorial!

Gold start for whoever guesses the song