Question about content of bulletins on MySpace when concerning children.


Well-known member
Well, today a woman that I've known for years posted a poem about child abuse on MySpace. I'm not going to post it, because I don't like it at all, and that is what this is about. Please read the dialog between myself and this woman and let me know what you think. I'm so confused. I think I did the right thing by expressing my opinion about the poem, but she took it so strongly that I'm just aghast.

I am A Beautiful Lie. She is Stephani.
---------------- Original Message -----------------
From: A Beautiful Lie
Date: Jul 1, 2007 8:59 AM

Why would you post this? This is sickening. This is almost as those pictures that people pass around of animals that have been tortured. Why spread this around like it's something that enriches lives? Wouldn't it be better to say a prayer? Something. Please warn next time.

I like you and everything, but this really offended me.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: stephani
Date: Jul 1, 2007 11:55 AM

Why did you read the whole long thing if it offended you? Why not just close it once you started reading??? Yeah, that was sad. Especially as a parent. The last line was...IF YOU ARE AGAINST CHILD ABUSE PASS THIS ON!!!!!! Maybe someone who is a little too rough with their punishing or who loses their temper may read that and think differently. THAT is the point to it! Don't send me shit like that anymore!

---------------- Original Message -----------------
From: A Beautiful Lie
Date: Jul 1, 2007 8:59 AM

Don't send you shit like that? I'm the one who was offended and you make ME the bad guy? Just because I expressed my opinion doesn't give you the right to lash out at me. I merely wanted you to place a warning the next time you posted something like that. And I did stop reading it, because I had seen it before, and I said the exact same thing to that person, and they understood what I was trying to say without getting all flustered. I don't want to read something like that because in my head, I see my son... no matter what the situation, I relate it to him because he is the most important thing in my life, and to have an image like that in my head is not pleasant for me.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: stephani
Date: Jul 1, 2007 11:55 AM

Well my husband and I take good care of our son so there is NO reason why I would ever replace this child with our own! Why imagine your son as the one getting beaten to death????? I lash out to opinions that are rude. I would never condone this behavior and don't appreciate your opinion. So like I didn't like yours, you didn't like mine. Easy enough!!!

Ms. Q

Well-known member
She seems like the type of person that is just very out there an dramatic about her emotions. and always the victim


Well-known member
This is stupid:
She posted it and yet sees no connection with her child to the child abuse (almost like "oh my child will never ever have anything wrong done to them"). She was then only following the "pass this on" thing at the bottom of the chain mail...that is stupid. Passing on some random text on the internet does not make you anti-abuse, and not passing it on doesn't make you a monster...seriously...child abusers can come and click a button and pass it on and that doesnt make them alright again...

She was almost looking for a fight.

I hate the internet for this...anything anyone says in opposition is taken like a personal insult and then the original person starts lashing out personal insults back at the person who opposed...(does that make sense?)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thestarsfall
This is stupid:
She posted it and yet sees no connection with her child to the child abuse (almost like "oh my child will never ever have anything wrong done to them"). She was then only following the "pass this on" thing at the bottom of the chain mail...that is stupid. Passing on some random text on the internet does not make you anti-abuse, and not passing it on doesn't make you a monster...seriously...child abusers can come and click a button and pass it on and that doesnt make them alright again...

She was almost looking for a fight.

I hate the internet for this...anything anyone says in opposition is taken like a personal insult and then the original person starts lashing out personal insults back at the person who opposed...(does that make sense?)

makes total sense to me, seeing as how I was the one who got reamed because I asked her to put a warning on her posts. She's no longer a friend on MySpace, and seeing as how we haven't seen each other in person for over two years, it's not that much of a loss. It's just the fact that a friendship was ended over this stupid crap that really gets me fired up, ya know?


Well-known member
I hate those bulletins. Getting through to people and standing up for a cause is one thing but by trying to do that by

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