Question About Eyeshadow Finishes


New member
I'm a newbie to the wonderful world of MAC and I'm loving it!

I had one quick question about the finishes on the eyeshadows (some of you will probably laugh at this question, so I appologize ahead of time).

When doing your eyeshadow for the day, does every shadow you use need to belong to the same finish family?

For example, does every finish need to be Matte? Or could I mix Matte eyeshadows with Veluxe Pearl shadows?

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!



Well-known member
Well, everybody is different, and there are no rules in cosmetic application, but most women like to use different finishes for eyeshadow. IMO, it would look kind of "funny" if one used only matte e/s (the look would make the eyes very deep-set), or if one only used a highly glittery might be too "drag queenish"...but it might look's all in the application techinque. Sometimes I only use a frost finish in my eye makeup..and it looks nice..but if I do this, I apply w/ a light hand, and use lighter colors.

Most mua's use the multi-finish techinque, because this builds up different effects.

So, in essence, yes! I personally would recc. you use diff. finishes for your eye looks!


Well-known member
I agree with the above statement, there really are no rules, it's what you think looks good for you. I like to do a mix of shades, personally. I tend to like frosts/satins/veluxes pearls best, but recently I started working in very harsh flourescent lights and it was too discoball, so now I mix a little matte or velvets with my shimmery ones. But in my old lightening mattes were to blah and didn't really show up in the light. The best thing to do is experiment at home and see what works for you and have fun with it


Well-known member
i don't use many matte eyeshadows because i like shimmer/glitter. i usually prefer VPs