Question about my period....

I'm 23 not on birth control never been on it. Had a miscarriage 3 years ago. My cycle has always been irregular i go months without having a period. But I have been spotting on and off for like 2 weeks. I bleed for a day or two then stop for a couple of days then its back. Its not heavy flow i can get away with only wearing a panty liner. It goes from red to brown back to red. Anyone have any idea why this can be happening. I have no insurance and cant afford to go to doctor at this time. Can I be pregnant with this kind of spotting??


Well-known member
Don't panic. It could be from a few different things- I know i experience this when I am extremely stressed. In fact, you could be making it worse panicking you're preggo. The only way to ease your mind is to take a pregnancy test.
Originally Posted by X_cinderella_X
Don't panic. It could be from a few different things- I know i experience this when I am extremely stressed. In fact, you could be making it worse panicking you're preggo. The only way to ease your mind is to take a pregnancy test.

now that you mention it i have been really stressed lately...and im probably taking a prego test tomorrow just to get it out of my mind. Thanks for your answer! =)


Well-known member
No probs. Hope the answer eases your mind

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