Question about Traincases :)



I am in great need of a good train case. What would be the best brand/make for someone entering the world of freelance makeup? I don't need one that have wheels (like a suitcase) but I do want one that is a decent size and could hold a lot of stuff.

Any suggestions?

Thank you!!!

Kiss and Makeup

Well-known member
The new MAC ones look really good, but I haven't been able to actually see them. They're kind of pricey ($225) but I'm sure they're amazing.

Sephora also has some, but they're not big enough for my liking.

NYX has a couple of good ones also. I'm interested in the mid sized ones, but I can't find any reviews.

I'm also on the hunt for a train case. Everyone I've heard who has the older MAC cases absolutely loves it. I think I'm going to end up saving for one.


Well-known member
This is the case I have and it holds a LOT of stuff.

NEW PRO ALUMINUM MAKEUP COSMETIC TRAIN CASE SILVER - eBay (item 370100339571 end time Oct-26-08 02:07:00 PDT)

For example, my top left tray neatly holds: four fluidlines and four paintpots (laying on their sides), a vial of primer potion, 3 stacks of 4 pan palettes (stacked three tall), and a tube of paint. Basically, the tiered trays are wide for a bottle of UDPP.

If you'd like to see a pick of it semi-full, PM me and I'll try to post one this weekend.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kiss and Makeup
The new MAC ones look really good, but I haven't been able to actually see them. They're kind of pricey ($225) but I'm sure they're amazing.

I saw the new one in-store last week and I personally think it is tiny. It looks to be about half the width of the old one (1.6). The one I have from Wal-Mart (Caboodles) for $26 holds a LOT more than the new MAC one could. It looks neat and has an interesting finish, but I need functionality more than style when it comes to a traincase.

I personally can't believe MAC is still charging $225 for the new case; based on the size, I would expect them to have repriced it to $150 or less.

Also, someone posted pics of the NYX mid-size case on their hauls, but unfortunately it's not there anymore (hauls only staying up for about 10 days or so.) It actually looked pretty decent.

I've considered moving to a full-size tool chest (from several separate cases and storage containers) for my collection and using a traincase or two for taking things out of the house. It's just hard for me to decide instore whether all of my stuff will fit in the tool chest or not and if it doesn't, then it defeats the purpose of buying it....


Well-known member
The new MAC traincase is very cool except for two major design flaws (in my opinion anyway):

1) No place for 15-pan palettes. They will not fit ANYWHERE inside, which makes no sense to me, considering it's most likely make-up arists who will pay that price, and they ain't gonna be hauling around a hundred or so individual eyeshadows

2) If you forget your combination, your make-up gets stuck inside forever. That just scares me.

But the design is pretty cool though, otherwise, you should at least go check it out.

Kiss and Makeup

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Amaranth
The new MAC traincase is very cool except for two major design flaws (in my opinion anyway):

1) No place for 15-pan palettes. They will not fit ANYWHERE inside, which makes no sense to me, considering it's most likely make-up arists who will pay that price, and they ain't gonna be hauling around a hundred or so individual eyeshadows

2) If you forget your combination, your make-up gets stuck inside forever. That just scares me.

But the design is pretty cool though, otherwise, you should at least go check it out.

I'd rip through the case with my teeth if I had to. The thought of losing my makeup because of a lock scares me


Well-known member
When I was looking at it again (at the Burlington MA f/s), I decided that it would be best used as some sort of accessory case: sponges, etc. It is already smaller than previous ones, and, as Amaranth noted, it can't fit a pallette as it is divided into multiple small compartments with limited flexibilty in adjusting them.

Even with dividers that I could see removed, the remaining compartments are still too small to be useful for much other than than sponges, q-tips, etc.

I really don't know what they were thinking with the design. It is clear they were more focused on form/style than function.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by COBI
When I was looking at it again (at the Burlington MA f/s), I decided that it would be best used as some sort of accessory case: sponges, etc. It is already smaller than previous ones, and, as Amaranth noted, it can't fit a pallette as it is divided into multiple small compartments with limited flexibilty in adjusting them.

Even with dividers that I could see removed, the remaining compartments are still too small to be useful for much other than than sponges, q-tips, etc.

I really don't know what they were thinking with the design. It is clear they were more focused on form/style than function.

If they had made the divider in the sliding tray removable than it would have been decent. I really like the design itself, it's a unique idea to have everything twirl around like it does, but I have a bajillion palettes. I also like putting my brush roll into the case, and it doesn't really fit anywhere either. However, I really like the way one of the top twirly compartments lipsticks so nicely, I find those are always the worst because they roll around so much. So yeah, I wish it was just a LITTLE bigger. I think it would otherwise be perfect had they made the sliding drawer deeper and with a removably tray.


Well-known member
As cool as the trainers tried to make the new case sound, I'm not a big fan either. I absolutely LOVE my TZ case, and they make several models for all levels of makeup artistry.
T.Z. Case International

I've had mine for almost 5 years and its still in tip-top shape.