Question(few pics inside)

I've been considering dying my hair again, but i'm a lil torn on what i want to change it to. I've been thinking either a) a dirty blonde, or b) a darker brown, probably my natural colour(which i havent seen in a loooong time haha). so im looking to you guys to help me choose.



thats how my hair is now and i think its just..blah haha. so any input would be aweome


New member
something close to your natural color w/ dirty blonde highlights would look nice. If you go to a professional talk to her about doing so low red lights too (just a few).


Well-known member
I agree with Nessa, I would def not go blonde as I think it might look cheap. I think you'd look fabulous with darker brown, chesnut hair and maybe a few red tints underneath.
Originally Posted by AlliSwan
I agree with Nessa, I would def not go blonde as I think it might look cheap. I think you'd look fabulous with darker brown, chesnut hair and maybe a few red tints underneath.

thats what i was thinking, but i dont know how i feel about the red. i was thinking though doing my hair like kelly clarkson had before; w/ bright red and blonde highlights on a darker(but not to dark) brown. i have no idea haha
Originally Posted by ElizabethEmily
thats what i was thinking, but i dont know how i feel about the red. i was thinking though doing my hair like kelly clarkson had before; w/ bright red and blonde highlights on a darker(but not to dark) brown. i have no idea haha

You mean this?


I actually had my hair done like that a few months ago. Gotta warn you though, the red and blonde were extremely, extremely bright but the red starts to fade after about four weeks.

I think if you had your hair lightened up a few shades and added some blonde streaks (like Lindsey Lohan in Freaky Friday) it would look really good.
Originally Posted by raccoon*eyes
You mean this?


I actually had my hair done like that a few months ago. Gotta warn you though, the red and blonde were extremely, extremely bright but the red starts to fade after about four weeks.

I think if you had your hair lightened up a few shades and added some blonde streaks (like Lindsey Lohan in Freaky Friday) it would look really good.

i know i had mine done too and loved it! but like u said the red does start to fade after 4 weeks lol it sucks.

ill probably end up doing it a chocolate brown, with some red, like others have suggested:p
Originally Posted by DaisyDee
I think chocolate brown would look super-cute. BTW, your boyfriend is SOOO adorable!

haha thank you, but hes not my boyfriend(i wish haha) ive known him for 16 years