Question re: group demos


Well-known member
So I got an update from the manager at MAC and it turns out that I will be going to a group interview next week (instead of the one-on-one day to night demo I was originally scheduled), where MAC managers from all over the county will be looking for permanent and freelance artists. I was told that there will be about 10-20 other girls there and that the oral interview will come first. I was also instructed to bring a model for the demo portion. I was wondering if it's common to be given a face chart in an interview situation like this one. The manager I spoke to said that she didn't know if they'd be using face charts but that I should expect a 45 min time limit. I was so confident prior to learning all this because I had already prepared for a 60 min day to night look with my model. Now I'm being thrown curve balls. Eeek.


Well-known member
I had my demo last week as you know. I was told I would be doing a face chart. But I did the day to night one instead. There was another girl there doing her demo also. I heard they had 12 interviews that day. Honestly, prepare for both. The day to night one was hard because I didn't prepare and my mind went blank on what do use. But I pulled it off.

I haven't heard back yet.
But I will let you guys know when I do.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by FacesbyNiki
I had my demo last week as you know. I was told I would be doing a face chart. But I did the day to night one instead. There was another girl there doing her demo also. I heard they had 12 interviews that day. Honestly, prepare for both. The day to night one was hard because I didn't prepare and my mind went blank on what do use. But I pulled it off.

I haven't heard back yet.
But I will let you guys know when I do.


The face chart will be more difficult to prepare for, since the one chosen will be totally random. I'm also nervous now because my original model will be on vacation and I've already practiced with her several times (I had done all her foundation/color matching and everything). She also has great skin and and an amazing lid space to work with. I'm using my friend Kristine as a replacement because she also has great skin and eyes. However, I'll have to start all over with color schemes and matching.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lightsinsorrow
The face chart will be more difficult to prepare for, since the one chosen will be totally random. I'm also nervous now because my original model will be on vacation and I've already practiced with her several times (I had done all her foundation/color matching and everything). She also has great skin and and an amazing lid space to work with. I'm using my friend Kristine as a replacement because she also has great skin and eyes. However, I'll have to start all over with color schemes and matching.

Awww hun!

Spent some time with her at a counter. That's what I did. Just match her with different foundations. I had to use Studio Stick instead of Studio Tech. She was a NC35 and in studio Tech she is a NC42. yeah, the face chart is a bit harder but you will have everything in front of you. You will be fine, don't worry. *hugs*