Quick Question


Well-known member
Does MAC give away samples of pigments? I've seen pictures where people say "pigment sample". Do you have to buy something? Can they just make them out of the testers?


Well-known member
they can make them out of testers, but let me warn you...

sometimes the artist will get annoyed if all you want to do is get a sample


Well-known member
my guess is that you have to be on pretty good terms with the MA for doing the MA to give u a sample.

I had this MA who was really nice.(but quitted already), gave me free sample of pink opal pigment and when i said i didn't dare to depot my e/s, the MA gave me a woodwinked e/s tester from the counter for me to depot first before actually depotting my own e/s.

Was on good terms with this MA as i regularly bought items. And another good thing about this MA, this MA sometimes dissuade me from buying more because the MA knew i was still a student and also the MA was a nice MA. The MA told me that one of the regulars had 10 lipgloss and wanted to buy more but the MA dissuade the person from buying more.

But some MAs are really nasty.... so u have to find a nice MA.


Well-known member
Oh, I have. Ironically, the MAC counter I most frequent is Saks Fifth Avenue in NYC. It's 3 blocks away from school, and I have a very nice MA there that I go to. The problem is, it's really busy there all the time. So I wouldn't want to ask her to make me a sample.

When I'm in school, I go to the counter every 2 weeks or so and spend around 40-50 bucks.

Sometimes I go to Bendel's but I don't know any of the MAs by name over there.


Well-known member
I get away with getting samples without purchasing. Only because I know the MAs at my counter and they know I have insanley sensative skin. So if Im looking at a pigment, or foundation etc they ask me if i want a sample. They know that if I dont react to the product I will be in 2 days later to pick up the item.

Im very lucky though, I have some amazing people working at my local counter.


Well-known member
Grr I've only asked for a sample once at the MAC store and it was along with buying like $60 worth of stuff. I asked for a sample for Vanilla pigment and Pink bronze ... the lady litteraly gave me enough to line one eye! You couldn't even see the pigment so I gave up on asking for samples and I don't go to that store anymore haha.


Well-known member
Recently I asked for a sample from a MA whom I've never seen before and at first she kinda seemed like she was going to say no then all of a sudden said yes with a smile. Of course I did purchase some items to go along with that sample. If I would of known it was that easy to get samples at the counter I usally go to then I would of asked a long time ago. Sheesh I could of had tons by now cause most of the MA's already know me since I'm there all the time lol.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
i'va asked a coupla MAs at my counter and, i asked a MA on Sunday if i could try a sample of Aire-De-Blu and she sed she couldnt give it out cos if she did the sample could last me ages
and i was the only one there plus i spent £71 ($139) which is very mean as im always in there spending loads.

So i asked if i could have little empty jars to put part of my fullsized piggies in because i know one day i'll end up knocking them over eventually


Well-known member
i went into the store at fashion valley in san diego and asked a foundation question and the MA recommended one and even gave me a sample. too bad the girl that rang me up forgot to put it in my bag and i wasnt paying attention. but oh well that was sweet of her anywho!


Well-known member
i've never had a problem asking for samples. actually i never ask anymore. the MA's where i go know me and when ever they get new pigments or anything they make me samples. I work in a mall so when im on break MAC is where i go. but even before i became obsessed, i found that just asking and being nice works. they only thing ive had a problem with is some MA's not wanting to help me.