Quit Smoking Club!


Well-known member
I decided to start this thread as a support group for those of us who have quit smoking or want to quit smoking.

I quit smoking on my birthday, December 9th, as a birthday present to myself. I quit after 12 years (and I am only 24 years old). I've done this before for a year but started again due to college telling me I owed them money when they really owed me! I quit cold turkey again.

I do crave them but it's mind over matter. I've only had two craving and the go away when I chew gum or occupy myself.

Has anyone else recently stopped smoking or wants to?


Well-known member
I stopped smoking a little over a year ago. I was babysitting my nephew and I realized I love that kid so much that I never want him to ever smell cigarette smoke, especially from me. Additionally, I am also incredibly vain and smoking has been really bad for my skin.

On certain occasions I still light up. I have half a pack of cigarettes in my desk at work. Since quitting, I've smoked maybe 3 out of the ten sticks in there.It's a bit of a pressure thing: either I start smashing my workstation out of pure rage (on procedure or shitty colleagues) or I light up to calm myself a bit. The occasions have become rarer and rarer since quitting. Nowadays, I can manage my anger/work frustration without feeling the need to light up.


Well-known member
I quit a little over a year ago after nearly 10 years (I'm 22, what madness!!)

It wasn't easy, especially for the first few weeks. Having a non-smoker bf encouraging and watching me definitely didn't hurt.

I always put smoking first before health and consideration of others. Not to mention money. I remember all my pocket money and first pay checks used to go to support the habit in high school. Argh!

Thankfully now I know better and have been smoke free since. I can spend my money on make up instead


Well-known member
I quit April this year and I'll be perfectly honest when I say I hate it. I've only lit up three times though since then. But yes I really hate quitting. Still rock the ganj occationally though however that tends to be for period pains.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Originally Posted by alien21xx
I stopped smoking a little over a year ago. I was babysitting my nephew and I realized I love that kid so much that I never want him to ever smell cigarette smoke, especially from me. Additionally, I am also incredibly vain and smoking has been really bad for my skin.

On certain occasions I still light up. I have half a pack of cigarettes in my desk at work. Since quitting, I've smoked maybe 3 out of the ten sticks in there.It's a bit of a pressure thing: either I start smashing my workstation out of pure rage (on procedure or shitty colleagues) or I light up to calm myself a bit. The occasions have become rarer and rarer since quitting. Nowadays, I can manage my anger/work frustration without feeling the need to light up.

That is so beautiful that you would do that for your nephew.
I am a bit vain too, but I never wanted to quit (but it did keep me from using drugs and abusing alcohol).

I quit cold turkey the 1st week of September. The fist month I was OK (except that I was 2nd hand smoking), but after I stopped the 2nd hand smoking I started to eat to much and I have gained weight.
I am feeling very stressed lately and have the urge to smoke....but I won't.

Thanks for starting this thread!