R.I.P Marsha :(


Well-known member
Today our next door neighbor called my family and I that our pot bellied pig Marsha died
Me and my family are on vacation and our next door neighbor was taking care of all the animals and I guess the heat just got to her. Please keep Marsha in your prayers..we loved her so much.


Well-known member
This heat is horrible, especially these last couple days! I was bringing ice to my rabbits and found one dead. Idk, I think it will be a long time before I decide to own any kind of pet there's too much emotional attachment involved.


Well-known member
It sucks when a pet dies. My pet bird Beaker died a few weeks ago. It's so hard to get so attached to something only to have it taken away.


Well-known member
aww im so sorry. i hope your heart heals soon. loosing a pet is hard. they are just like a family member.


Well-known member
omg... i'm sooo sorry to hear this...((((HUGS))))
all pets go to heaven so she's your own special angel....


Well-known member
Thank you all for your kind words! This heat really is hell..I always worry about my animals this time of year. I guess her little heart just couldn't take the heat anymore..not to mention she was pretty hefty lol..but it is hard when a pet passes away..at least she is in piggy heaven now

thank you all again


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