Random thought


Well-known member
Very, very creepy.

Beyond a whole lot of ethical issues, I wonder how do you explain to a child that they're the fruit on a union between a harvested biological from a dead man and a woman who was a complete stranger to his/her father? It's not exactly the most auspicious beginning to your life, is it?


Well-known member
I am 100% weirded out by that. I'm weirded out by harvesting sperm from someone without their tacit consent, even if they talked about how they'd like to have kids.


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Well-known member

It seems to me like the mother of the dead son is trying to *replace* her son with this baby. Definately creepy on multiple levels.


Well-known member
it is very disturbing.

but in most cultures, a family name is something to be very proud of, so perhaps the man's mother just wants to make sure the family name lives on.

kind of drastic, (and IMO, disgusting) measures...but maybe she had good intentions?


Well-known member
I wonder why the girl agreed to be impregnated with a dead man's child, without even knowing the family? It would worry me to raise a child in a family that is apparently so incredibly controlling and...uh...'out there' like that.

Under different circumstances, this would be amazing. Like, if the guy already had a wife/girlfriend and wanted to have kids. Then, I would feel all warm and fuzzy about it. But this? Weird.


Well-known member
man, it's life, people die... that's what we're here for. i don't want to sound harsh and careless but let it be. i think that's wrong. people are going way too far. just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you should. let nature take it's course, i say.